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Last active June 25, 2018 23:26
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Append and Prepend, a pair of simple scripts to append or prepend text to a set of filenames
help = """Simple script to append text to specified files before the extension
usage: append (-n)(-i) "text to append" files
-n: dry-run, will show before and after filenames without making changes
-i: ignore file extensions and just append to the end of the filename
append " (2017)" *.docx
'outline.docx' -> 'outline (2017).docx'
append -i ".(DRAFT)" *
'plans.for.2019' -> 'plans.for.2019.(DRAFT)''
append \ \(Finished\ reading\) *.epub
'amazing stories.epub' -> 'amazing stories (Finished reading).epub'
import sys
from sys import argv as args
import os
if len(args) < 3:
dry_run = False
extensions = True
action = 'Renaming'
if '-n' in args:
action = 'Would have renamed'
print('Dry-run enabled. No files will be changed.')
dry_run = True
if '-i' in args:
print('ignoring extensions in filenames.')
extensions = False
append_string = args[1]
files = args[2:]
for f in files:
before = f
if extensions and '.' in before:
name, ext = before.rsplit('.', 1)
after = f'{name}{append_string}.{ext}'
after = f'{before}{append_string}'
print(f'{action}: \'{before}\' -to- \'{after}\'')
if not dry_run:
os.rename(before, after)
help = """Simple script to prepend text to specified files
usage: prepend (-n) "text to prepend" files
-n: dry-run, will show before and after filenames without making changes
prepend "Project 1 - " *.docx
'outline.docx' -> 'Project 1 - outline.docx'
prepend \(Finished\ reading\)\ *.epub
'amazing stories.epub' -> '(Finished reading) amazing stories.epub'
import sys
from sys import argv as args
import os
if len(args) < 3:
dry_run = False
action = 'Renaming'
if '-n' in args:
action = 'Would have renamed'
print('Dry-run enabled. No files will be changed.')
dry_run = True
prepend_string = args[1]
files = args[2:]
for f in files:
before = f
after = f'{prepend_string}{f}'
print(f'{action}: \'{before}\' -to- \'{after}\'')
if not dry_run:
os.rename(before, after)
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