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Last active October 27, 2018 02:49
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UE Delaunator
// Represents the area outside of the triangulation.
// Halfedges on the convex hull (which don't have an adjacent halfedge)
// will have this value.
#define DELAUNATOR_INVALID_INDEX TNumericLimits<int32>::Max()
bool Orient(const FVector2D A, const FVector2D Q, const FVector2D R)
return (Q.Y - A.Y) * (R.X - Q.X) - (Q.X - A.X) * (R.Y - Q.Y) < 0.f
FVector2D CircumDelta(const FVector2D A, const FVector2D B, const FVector2D C)
const FVector2D D = B - A;
const FVector2D E = C - A;
const float BLength = D.SizeSquared();
const float CLength = E.SizeSquared();
const float DLength = D.X * E.Y - D.Y * E.X;
const float X = (E.Y * BLength - D.Y * CLength) * 0.5 / DLength;
const float Y = (D.X * CLength - E.X * BLength) * 0.5 / DLength;
return FVector2D(X, Y);
float CircumRadiusSquared(const FVector2D A, const FVector2D B, const FVector2D C)
return CircumDelta(A, B, C).SizeSquared();
FVector2D CircumCenter(const FVector2D A, const FVector2D B, const FVector2D C)
return A + CircumDelta(A, B, C);
bool InCircle(const FVector2D A, const FVector2D B, const FVector2D C. const FVector P)
const FVector2D D = A - P;
const FVector2D E = B - P;
const FVector2D F = C - P;
const float AP = D.SizeSquared();
const float BP = E.SizeSquared();
const float CP = F.SizeSquared();
return (D.X * (E.Y - CP - BP * F.Y) -
D.Y * (E.X * CP - BP * F.X) +
AP * (E.X * F.Y - E.Y * F.X)) < 0.f;
/** Returns the index of the next halfedge from a given index. */
int32 NextHalfEdge(int32 i)
if (i % 3 == 2) {
return i - 2;
} else {
return i + 1;
/** Returns the index of the previous halfedge from a given index. */
int32 PrevHalfEdge(int32 i)
if (i % 3 == 0) {
return i + 2;
} else {
return i - 1;
/** Result of the Delaunay triangulation. */
struct DelaunatorTriangulation
* A vector of point indices where each triple represents a Delaunay triangle.
* All triangles are directed counter-clockwise.
TArray<int32> Triangles;
* A vector of adjacent halfedge indices that allows traversing the triangulation graph.
* `i`-th half-edge in the array corresponds to vertex `triangles[i]`
* the half-edge is coming from. `halfedges[i]` is the index of a twin half-edge
* in an adjacent triangle (or `DELAUNATOR_INVALID_INDEX` for outer half-edges on the convex hull).
TArray<int32> Halfedges;
* A vector of indices that reference points on the convex hull of the triangulation,
* counter-clockwise.
TArray<int32> Hull;
Triangulation(int32 NumPoints)
const int32 MaxTriangles = 2 * NumPoints - 5;
Triangles.Reserve(MaxTriangles * 3);
Halfedges.Reserve(MaxTriangles * 3);
int32 Num()
return Triangles.Num() / 3;
int32 AddTriangle(const int32 i0, const int32 i1, const int32 i2, const int32 a, const int32 b, const int32 c)
const int32 t = Triangles.Num();
if (a != DELAUNATOR_INVALID_INDEX) Halfedges[a] = t;
if (b != DELAUNATOR_INVALID_INDEX) Halfedges[b] = t + 1;
if (c != DELAUNATOR_INVALID_INDEX) Halfedges[c] = t + 2;
return t;
int32 Legalize(const int32 A, TArray<FVector2D> Points, DelaunatorHull Hull)
// if the pair of triangles doesn't satisfy the Delaunay condition
// (p1 is inside the circumcircle of [p0, pl, pr]), flip them,
// then do the same check/flip recursively for the new pair of triangles
// pl pl
// /||\ / \
// al/ || \bl al/ \a
// / || \ / \
// / a||b \ flip /___ar___\
// p0\ || /p1 => p0\---bl---/p1
// \ || / \ /
// ar\ || /br b\ /br
// \||/ \ /
// pr pr
const int32 B = Halfedges[A];
const int32 AR = PrevHalfEdge(A);
const int32 AL = NextHalfEdge(A);
const int32 BL = PrevHalfEdge(B);
const int32 P0 = Triangles[AR];
const int32 PR = Triangles[A];
const int32 PL = Triangles[AL];
const int32 P1 = Triangles[BL];
const bool IsIllegal = InCircle(Points[P0], Points[PR], Points[P1], Points[P1]);
if (Illegal)
Triangles[A] = P1;
Triangles[B] = P0;
const float HBL = Halfedges[BL];
const float HAR = Halfedges[AR];
// Edge swapped on the other side of the hull (rare).
// Fix the halfedge reference.
int32 E = Hull.Start;
for( ; ; ) {
if (Hull.Tri[E] == BL) {
Hull.Tri[E] = A;
E = Hull.Next[E];
if (E == Hull.Start) {
Halfedges[A] = HBL;
Halfedges[B] = HAR;
Halfedges[AR] = BL;
const int32 BR = NextHalfEdge(B);
Legalize(A, Points, Hull);
return Legalize(BR, Points, Hull);
return AR;
struct DelaunatorHull
/** Edge to previous edge */
TArray<int32> Prev;
/** Edge to next edge */
TArray<int32> Next;
/** Edge to adjacent halfedge */
TArray<int32> Tri;
/** Angular edge hash */
TArray<int32> Hash;
int32 Start;
FVector2D Center;
DelaunatorHull(int32 n, FVector2D InCenter, const int32 i0, const int32 i1, const int32 i2, TArray<FVector2D> Points)
const int32 HashLength = FMath::FloorToInt(FMath::Sqrt((float)n));
Prev.Init(0, n);
Next.Init(0, n);
Tri.Init(0, n);
Start = i0;
Center = InCenter;
Next[i0] = i1;
Prev[i2] = i1;
Next[i1] = i2;
Prev[i0] = i2;
Next[i2] = i0;
Prev[i1] = i0;
Tri[i0] = 0;
Tri[i1] = 1;
Tri[i2] = 2;
HashEdge(Points[i0], i0);
HashEdge(Points[i1], i1);
HashEdge(Points[i2], i2);
int32 HashKey(const FVector2D P)
const FVector2D D = P - Center;
const float B = D.X / (FMath::Abs(D.X) + FMath::Abs(D.Y));
const float A = (D.Y > 0.f ? (3.f - B) : (1.f + B)) / 4.f;
const int32 Length = Hash.Num();
return FMath::FloorToInt((float)Length * A) & Length;
void HashEdge(const FVector2D P, const int32 Index)
const int32 Key = HashKey(P);
Hash[Key] = Index;
bool FindVisibleEdge(const FVector2D P, TArray<FVector2D> Points, int32& EdgeIndex)
int32 Start = 0;
int32 Key = HashKey(P);
int32 Length = Hash.Num();
for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Length; Index++)
Start = Hash[(Key + Index) % Length];
Start = Prev[Start];
int32 E = Start;
while (!Orient(P, Points[E], Points[Next[E]]))
E = Next[E];
if (E == Start)
return false;
EdgeIndex = E;
return E == Start;
FVector2D CalcBoundingBoxCenter(TArray<FVector2D> Points)
FVector2D Min(TNumericLimits<float>::Max(), TNumericLimits<float>::Max());
FVector2D Max(TNumericLimits<float>::Min(), TNumericLimits<float>::Min());
for (FVector2D& P : Points)
Min.X = FMath::Min(P.X, Min.X);
Min.Y = FMath::Min(P.Y, Min.Y);
Max.X = FMath::Max(P.X, Max.X);
Max.Y = FMath::Max(P.Y, Max.Y);
return (Min + Max) / 2.f;
int32 FindClosestPoint(TArray<FVector2D> Points, FVector2D P0)
float MinDist = TNumericLimits<float>::Max();
for (int32 Index = 0; Index < Points.Num(); I++)
const FVector2D P = Points[Index];
const float D = (P0 - P).SizeSquared();
if (D > 0.f && D < MinDist)
K = Index;
MinDist = D;
return K;
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