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Created August 29, 2012 14:19
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SSE implementation in CoffeeScript
cluster = require('cluster')
http = require('http')
zmq = require('zmq')
numCPUs = require('os').cpus().length
NODES = ['tcp://localhost:5555']
if cluster.isMaster
publisher = zmq.socket('pub')
workers = []
currentWorker = 0
console.log '( worker count ) ' + numCPUs
workers.push cluster.fork() for num in [1..numCPUs]
publisher.bind 'tcp://*:5555', (err) ->
throw err if err
console.log "bound"
server = http.createServer (req, res) ->
if req.method == 'POST'
res.writeHead 204
message = ''
req.on 'data', (data) ->
message += data
req.on 'end', ->
publisher.send 'channel: ' + req.url + '\nmessage: ' + message
res.writeHead 200, 'Content-Type':'text/event-stream', 'Cache-Control':'no-cache', 'Connection':'keep-alive'
workers[currentWorker].send req.url, req.socket
currentWorker = (currentWorker + 1) % workers.length
server.listen 8888
connections = {}
setInterval ->
totalConnections = 0
for channel, sockets of connections
aliveSockets = []
for socket in sockets
if not socket.destroyed
socket.write ':ping\n'
aliveSockets.push socket
totalConnections += 1
connections[channel] = aliveSockets
#connections[channel] = null if aliveSockets.length == 0
console.log '( worker ' + + ' connections ) ' + totalConnections
, 15000
process.on 'message', (channel, socket) ->
connections[channel] ||= []
connections[channel].push socket
NODES.forEach (port) ->
subscriber = zmq.socket('sub')
subscriber.connect port
subscriber.subscribe 'channel'
console.log "subscribed"
subscriber.on 'message', (data) ->
str = data.toString()
[channel, message] = str.split /\n/
channel = channel.replace 'channel: ', ''
message = message.replace 'message: ', ''
console.log "got message"
if connections[channel]
console.log "sending message"
for connection in connections[channel]
connection.write 'data: ' + message + '\n\n' if not connection.destroyed
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