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Jeremy Nelson jermnelson

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jermnelson / 2025Q1-BlueCoreReport.ipynb
Last active January 27, 2025 18:35
BIBFRAME Semantic Search
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jermnelson /
Last active September 7, 2023 20:11
Configurations for Multiple Instances of FOLIO Order import tool

Following the directions in FOLIO Order Import Tool code repository's README, this gist contains the configuration servlet properties XML files for two instances, one for FOLIO production and one for FOLIO stage environments.


A docker image is generated from the Dockerfile in this GIST with the following files being copied:

  1. The order.war file to sul-prod.war and sul-stage.war
  2. The Context XML files, sul-prod.xml and sul-stage.war for each environment
  3. Specific property configuration files for stage and production, and
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jermnelson / interchange.ipynb
Last active September 23, 2021 15:28
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jermnelson / gnrd_names.ipynb
Created August 5, 2021 16:07
Using GNDRD API to send PDFs or full-text and returning list of matches.
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jermnelson / api-any-linked-data.ipynb
Last active July 19, 2021 18:05
How to use Sinopia to create ANY kind of linked data
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jermnelson / SinopiaStatistics.ipynb
Last active November 30, 2020 17:41
Sinopia Statistics
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jermnelson / UW-Trellis.ipynb
Created August 4, 2020 16:51
Trellis Interactions for University of Washington
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jermnelson /
Last active August 1, 2018 20:45
Library Technology Glossary

Library Technology Glossary

  • Access Points are the software "hooks" in the library catalog where patrons are able to search to look up the item. Typical Access Points include author, title, and subject. With the advent of Discovery Layers/Systems, more of the MARC records is exposed for searching.
  • BIBFRAME, short for bibliographic framework, is a Library of Congress sponsored vocabulary for modeling bibliographic entities and relationships for library physical and digital collections.
  • Discovery Layers/Systems a catagory of library systems with Blacklight being one of the most
    popular, that provide a faceted search built upon full-text search indexing using Solr or Elasticsearch.