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Created January 30, 2024 21:45
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Using the QuickAdd Obsidian plugin, the BookFinder uses Google API Books v1 to fetch the book and make a note
const notice = (e) => new Notice(e, 5e3);
const log = (e) => console.log(e);
const logError = (e) => console.error(e);
const GOOGLE_BOOKS_TITLE_TERM = "intitle:";
function replaceIllegalFileNameCharactersInString(e) {
return e.replace(/[\\,#%&\{\}\/*<>?$\'\":@]*/g, "");
function formatTitleForSuggestion(resultItem) {
return `${resultItem.volumeInfo.title} - ${
resultItem.volumeInfo.authors ? resultItem.volumeInfo.authors[0] : ""
} (${new Date(resultItem.volumeInfo.publishedDate).getFullYear()})`;
function getISBNs(industryIdentifiers = []) {
let ISBN10 = "";
let ISBN13 = "";
if (industryIdentifiers) {
const isbn10_data = industryIdentifiers.find(
(identifier) => identifier.type === "ISBN_10"
const isbn13_data = industryIdentifiers.find(
(identifier) => identifier.type === "ISBN_13"
if (isbn10_data) ISBN10 = isbn10_data.identifier;
if (isbn13_data) ISBN13 = isbn13_data.identifier;
return { ISBN10, ISBN13 };
const getPublicationYear = (publishedDate) => {
if (!publishedDate) return "";
return new Date(publishedDate).getFullYear();
* Add a book to Obsidian vault
* @param {Object} params Quick add object
* @param {Object} settings Any settings that can be passed to the function
const addBook = async function (params) {
const QuickAdd = params;
const clipboard = await QuickAdd.quickAddApi.utility.getClipboard();
// Assuming the clipboard will have the book title
const inputResponse = await QuickAdd.quickAddApi.inputPrompt(
"Enter Book title: ",
if (!inputResponse)
throw (notice("No title entered.", 5e3), new Error("No title entered."));
try {
const encodedTitle = encodeURIComponent(
const link = GOOGLE_BOOKS_API_URL + "?q=" + encodedTitle + "&maxResults=10";
const response = await fetch(link);
const jsonResponse = await response.json();
if (jsonResponse?.error || !Array.isArray(jsonResponse?.items)) {
notice("Request failed");
throw new Error("Request failed");
if (jsonResponse.items.length == 0) {
notice("No results found.");
throw new Error("No results found.");
const searchResults = jsonResponse.items;
const selection = await QuickAdd.quickAddApi.suggester(,
if (!selection) {
notice("No choice selected.");
throw new Error("No choice selected.");
const selectedBook = selection.volumeInfo;
// Here is the full list of properties from the Google Books API response:
// allowAnonLogging
// authors
// canonicalVolumeLink
// categories
// contentVersion
// description
// imageLinks
// industryIdentifiers
// infoLink
// language
// maturityRating
// pageCount
// panelizationSummary
// previewLink
// printType
// publishedDate
// publisher
// readingModes
// subtitle
// title
const isbns = getISBNs(selectedBook.industryIdentifiers);
const variables = {
authors: selectedBook.authors,
categories: selectedBook.categories,
description: selectedBook.description,
fileName: replaceIllegalFileNameCharactersInString(selectedBook.title),
isbn10: isbns.ISBN10,
isbn13: isbns.ISBN13,
pageCount: selectedBook.pageCount,
Poster: selectedBook.imageLinks.thumbnail,
publishedDate: selectedBook.publishedDate,
publisher: selectedBook.publisher,
subtitle: selectedBook.subtitle,
title: selectedBook.title,
year: getPublicationYear(selectedBook.publishedDate),
// log("--- Variables ---", variables);
QuickAdd.variables = variables;
} catch (error) {
module.exports = {
entry: addBook,
settings: {
name: "BookFinder",
author: "Jeremy Wong",
by title tags in year published related category pages publisher isbn10 isbn13 created
{"VALUE:year" => nil}



  • Subtitle: {{VALUE:subtitle}}

My Notes



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