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Last active January 23, 2019 13:48
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[TS] Functional Programming - Currency Formatter
// Input
const input: number = 17883294145;
// Custom types
enum Direction { left, right };
type List<a> = ({ kind: 'empty' } | { kind: 'cons', head: a, tail: List<a> }) & {
count: (this: List<a>) => number
isEmpty: boolean, // Check if this can be optimized (turned into property).
toString: (this: List<a>) => string
equals: (this: List<a>, l: List<a>) => boolean
// Added challenge: add reducer function here //
const Empty = <a,>(): List<a> => ({
kind: 'empty',
isEmpty: true,
count: (): number => 0,
toString: (): string => '',
equals: function (l: List<a>): boolean { return match(this)(l) },
const Cons = <a,>(head: a) => (tail: List<a>): List<a> => ({
kind: 'cons',
isEmpty: false,
head: head,
tail: tail,
count: function (): number { return count(this) },
toString: function (): string { return all(this) },
equals: function (l: List<a>): boolean { return match(this)(l) }
const all = <a,>(l: List<a>): string => (l.kind === 'empty') ? 'EMPTY' : l.head.toString() + ', ' + all(l.tail);
const count = <a,>(l: List<a>): number => (l.kind === 'empty') ? 0 : 1 + count(l.tail);
const match = <a,>(l1: List<a>) => (l2: List<a>): boolean => (
l1.kind === 'empty' && l2.kind === 'empty' ||
l1.kind === 'cons' && l2.kind === 'cons' &&
l1.head === l2.head && match(l1.tail)(l2.tail)
const listFrom = <a,>(...elements: a[]): List<a> =>
(elements.length === 0)
? Empty()
: Cons(elements[0])(listFrom(...elements.slice(1)));
// Logic
const main = (input: number) => (currency: string = 'USD'): string => `${split(input)} ${currency}`;
const split = (input: number): string => {
const paddedInput: string = pad(input.toString())(3)()();
const reversedInput: string = reverse(paddedInput);
const pullFromReversedInput = pull(reversedInput);
const reversedCents: string = pullFromReversedInput(0)(2)
const reversedUnits: string = pullFromReversedInput(2)();
const cents: string = reverse(reversedCents);
const units: string = reverse(insertAtEvery(reversedUnits)(",")(3));
const result = `${units}.${cents}`;
return result;
const insertAtEvery = (input: string) => (character: string) => (interval: number): string => {
if (input === "") return input;
const amountOfCharacters: number = input.length;
const amountOfSplits: number = amountOfCharacters / interval;
const parts: List<string> = splitEvery(input)(interval);
const result: string = join(parts)(",");
return result;
const splitEvery = (input: string) => (interval: number): List<string> => (input === "") ? Empty() : Cons(pull(input)(0)(3))(splitEvery(pull(input)(3)())(interval));
const join = <a extends Object>(input: List<a>) => (character: string): string => {
if (input.kind === "empty") return "";
if (input.tail.kind === "empty") return input.head.toString();
return input.head.toString() + character + join(input.tail)(character);
const repeat = <A,>(amount: number) => <A,>(f: (y: A) => A) => (x: A): A => (amount <= 0) ? x : repeat(amount - 1)(f)(f(x));
const reverse = (input: string): string => (input === "") ? input : reverse(pull(input)(1)()) + input[0];
const pad = (input: string) => (amount: number) => (direction: Direction = Direction.left) => (character: string = '0'): string => {
const inputString: string = input.toString();
if (inputString.length >= amount) return inputString;
const amountOfCharsToAdd: number = amount - inputString.length;
const charsToAdd: string = repeat(amountOfCharsToAdd)(((str: string) => str + character))('');
if (direction === Direction.left) {
return `${charsToAdd}${input}`;
return `${input}${charsToAdd}`;
const pull = (input: string) => (index: number) => (amount?: number): string => {
if (input === "") {
return input;
} else if (!amount && amount !== 0) {
// Added challenge: avoid using slice and implement yourself //
return input.slice(index)
} else if (index > input.length - 1 || amount <= 0) {
return "";
} else if (index > 0) {
return pull(pull(input)(1)())(index - 1)(amount);
} else if (amount === 1) {
return input[0];
return input[0] + pull(pull(input)(1)())(index)(amount - 1);
const result = main(input)('USD');
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