I hereby claim:
- I am jerome-diver on github.
- I am jeromelanteri (https://keybase.io/jeromelanteri) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASDPxWjOCUODu-xi6_JBP-JaCpGhzRTPbdpmlKBnrEgergo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
[Desktop Entry] | |
Encoding=UTF-8 | |
Name=XMonad | |
Comment=Highly configurable Haskell dynamic tiling Window Manager | |
TryExec=$HOME/.cache/xmonad/xmonad-x86_64-linux | |
Exec=$HOME/.cache/xmonad/xmonad-x86_64-linux | |
Type=Application | |
Icon=xmonad.png | |
Keywords=Window manager |
/* CRUD for container collection to call from server API | |
at /api/containers address */ | |
import { TAG, HOST, SERVER_PORT } from '../../Views/helpers/config' | |
const host = TAG + HOST + ":" + SERVER_PORT | |
const giveMe = (url, successCBK, failedCBK, finalCBK, isMounted) => { | |
fetch(url) | |
.then( response => response.json() ) |
--[[ | |
Test lgi Lua package with GooCanvas and Modelized items | |
----]] | |
local lgi = require 'lgi' | |
local Goo = lgi.GooCanvas | |
local Gtk = lgi.Gtk | |
local win = Gtk.Window { width = 640, height = 500, anchor = Gtk.GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL } | |
local frame = Gtk.Frame { width = 400, height = 400 } |
class MixinsBuilder: | |
"""From child static variable, i'm going to build attributes""" | |
def build_attributes(self): | |
my_meta_var = self.???[0] | |
for k, v in my_meta_var: | |
if not hasattr(self, k): | |
setattr(k, v) |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
import json | |
import subprocess | |
# you need to have taskwarrior application installed on the Linux system to rich the shell command to return a json data | |
j = json.loads(subprocess.run(["task", "status:pending", "export"], capture_output=True, check=True).stdout) |
class CustomFailureApp < Devise::FailureApp | |
def redirect | |
store_location! | |
message = warden.message || warden_options[:message] | |
puts("Messages from Warden: #{message}") | |
case message | |
when :timeout | |
redirect_to root_path | |
when :unconfirmed | |
redirect_to new_user_session_path(format: :js) |
Rails.apoplication.config.assets.precompile << (/\.(?:svg|eot|woff|ttf)\z) |
# https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/conformal/spectrwm/blob/master/spectrwm.html | |
# NOTE: all rgb color values in this file are in hex! see XQueryColor for examples | |
# workspace_limit = 22 | |
# focus_mode = default | |
# focus_close = previous | |
# focus_close_wrap = 1 | |
# focus_default = last | |
# spawn_position = next |
from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, QThread, QSemaphore, QReadWriteLock, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot | |
import random, time | |
class Share(): | |
data = dict() | |
def __init__(self, key, value): | |
Share.data[key] = value | |
@staticmethod | |
def get(key): | |
return Share.data[key] | |
@staticmethod |