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Last active January 19, 2024 13:43
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responsive image pipeline in Gulp
"use strict";
// ---------------------------------------
// packages
// ---------------------------------------
const del = require("del");
const deleteEmpty = require("delete-empty");
const globby = require("globby");
const gulp = require("gulp");
const gulpImagemin = require("gulp-imagemin");
const gulpImageresize = require("gulp-image-resize");
const gulpNewer = require("gulp-newer");
const merge2 = require("merge2");
// ---------------------------------------
// transfroms config
// ---------------------------------------
const transforms = [
src: "./assets/img/blogposts/*",
dist: "./public/assets/img/blogposts/",
params: {
width: 800,
height: 600,
crop: true
src: "./assets/img/banners/*",
dist: "./public/assets/img/banners/",
params: {
width: 1500,
height: 844,
crop: true
// ---------------------------------------
// images tasks
// ---------------------------------------
* Copy original images
* - check if images are newer than existing ones
* - if they are, optimise and copy them
* - ignore (empty) directories
gulp.task("img:copy", ["img:clean"], () => {
return gulp.src("./assets/img/**/*", { nodir: true })
progressive: true,
svgoPlugins: [{ removeViewBox: false }, { removeUselessStrokeAndFill: false }]
* Make thumbnails
* 1. walk transforms array to build an array of streams
* - get src images
* - check if images in src are newer than images in dist
* - if they are, make thumbnails and minify
* 2. merge streams to create all thumbnails in parallel
gulp.task("img:thumbnails", ["img:clean"], () => {
// create empty streams array for merge2
const streams = [];
// loop through transforms and add to streams array => {
// create a stream for each transform
.pipe(gulpNewer(transform.dist + "thumbs_" + transform.params.width + "x" + transform.params.height))
imageMagick: true,
width: transform.params.width,
height: transform.params.height,
crop: transform.params.crop
progressive: true,
svgoPlugins: [{ removeViewBox: false }, { removeUselessStrokeAndFill: false }]
.pipe(gulp.dest(transform.dist + "thumbs_" + transform.params.width + "x" + transform.params.height))
// merge streams
return merge2(streams);
* Clean images
* 1. get arrays of filepaths in images src (base images) and dist (base images and thumbnails)
* 2. Diffing process
* - build list of filepaths in src
* - loop through filepaths in dist, remove dist and thumbnails specific parts
* to get both base images and corresponding thumbnails, compare with filepaths in src
* - if no match, add full dist image filepath to delete array
* 3. Delete files (base images and thumbnails)
gulp.task("img:clean", ["img:clean:directories"], () => {
// get arrays of src and dist filepaths (returns array of arrays)
return Promise.all([
globby("./assets/img/**/*", { nodir: true }),
globby("./public/assets/img/**/*", { nodir: true })
.then((paths) => {
// create arrays of filepaths from array of arrays returned by promise
const srcFilepaths = paths[0];
const distFilepaths = paths[1];
// empty array of files to delete
const distFilesToDelete = [];
// diffing => {
// sdistFilepathFiltered: remove dist root folder and thumbs folders names for comparison
const distFilepathFiltered = distFilepath.replace(/\/public/, "").replace(/thumbs_[0-9]+x[0-9]+\//, "");
// check if simplified dist filepath is in array of src simplified filepaths
// if not, add the full path to the distFilesToDelete array
if ( srcFilepaths.indexOf(distFilepathFiltered) === -1 ) {
// return array of files to delete
return distFilesToDelete;
.then((distFilesToDelete) => {
// delete files
.catch((error) => {
* Clean unused directories
* 1. Diffing process between src and dist for images and thumbnails
* - Build array of all thumbs_xxx directories that should exist using the transforms map
* - Build array of all thumbs_xxx directories in img dist
* - Diffing: array of all unused thumbnails directories in dist
* 2. Delete files
* 3. Delete all empty folders in dist images
gulp.task("img:clean:directories", () => {
.then((paths) => {
// existing thumbs directories in dist
const distThumbsDirs = paths;
// create array of dirs that should exist by walking transforms map
const srcThumbsDirs = => transform.dist + "thumbs_" + transform.params.width + "x" + transform.params.height + "/");
// array of dirs to delete
const todeleteThumbsDirs = distThumbsDirs.filter((el) => srcThumbsDirs.indexOf(el) === -1);
// pass array to next step
return todeleteThumbsDirs;
.then((todeleteThumbsDirs) => {
// deleted diff thumbnails directories
.then(() => {
// delete empty directories in dist images
.catch((error) => {
// ---------------------------------------
// tasks
// ---------------------------------------
* We just need img:copy and img:thumbnails.
* All other tasks are dependencies
gulp.task("img", ["img:copy", "img:thumbnails"]);
* watch task
gulp.task("watch", () => {["assets/img/**/*"], ["img"]);
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You're repeated width config for thumbnail height:

width: transform.params.width, height: transform.params.width,

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