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Last active December 29, 2019 13:31
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Create Conda EasyConfigs and Bundle EasyConfigs from Conda and Bioconda packages.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Create Easybuild configs from conda packages
Create an EasyBuild Config for a Single Conda Package:
1. You can create an easybuild config using the anaconda client show syntax. If you do not specify a version the latest will be pulled in for you.
python ./ module -p bioconda/samtools/1.9 bioconda/trimmomatic/0.39 bioconda/fastqc
Will create the easybuild config files samtools-1.9.eb, trimmomatic-0.39.eb and fastqc-0.11.8.eb
2. Create an EasyConfig Bundle from 1 or more conda packages. This will also create any Conda EasyConfigs
python ./ conda_bundle -n qc -v 1.0 -p bioconda/trimmomatic/0.39 bioconda/fastqc
3. Create a EasyConfig Bundle from modules (conda or not)
python ./ bundle -n qc -v 1.0 -m trimmomatic=0.39 fastqc=0.11.8
from binstar_client.utils import get_server_api, parse_specs
import argparse
from jinja2 import Environment, BaseLoader
aserver_api = get_server_api()
def write_eb_bundle_config(name, version, dependencies):
eb_bundle_config = '''
easyblock = 'Bundle'
name = '{{name}}'
version = '{{version}}'
#Change the homepage!
homepage = 'none'
description = """Module for {{name}}"""
toolchain = SYSTEM
dependencies = [
{% for i in dependencies %}
('{{}}', '{{i.version}}'),
{% endfor %}
moduleclass = 'bio'
data = {
'name': name,
'version': version,
'dependencies': dependencies,
rtemplate = Environment(loader=BaseLoader).from_string(eb_bundle_config)
data = rtemplate.render(**data)
with open("{}-{}.eb".format(name, version), "w") as text_file:
def write_eb_conda_config(name, version, homepage, summary):
eb_conda_config = '''##
# This is an easyconfig file for EasyBuild, see
easyblock = 'Conda'
name = "{{name}}"
version = "{{version}}"
homepage = '{{homepage}}'
description = """{{summary}}"""
toolchain = SYSTEM
requirements = "%(name)s=%(version)s"
channels = ['bioconda', 'conda-forge']
builddependencies = [('Miniconda3', '4.7.10')]
sanity_check_paths = {
'files': ['bin/python'],
'dirs': ['bin']
moduleclass = 'tools'
data = {
'homepage': homepage,
'name': name,
'version': version,
'summary': summary
rtemplate = Environment(loader=BaseLoader).from_string(eb_conda_config)
data = rtemplate.render(**data)
with open("{}-{}.eb".format(name, version), "w") as text_file:
def get_package_data(package):
specs = parse_specs(package)
if not specs._package:
raise Exception('You did not specify a package!')
package_data = aserver_api.package(specs.user, specs.package)
latest_version = package_data['latest_version']
summary = package_data['summary']
if specs.user == 'bioconda':
homepage = '{}/README.html'.format(specs.package)
homepage = 'homepage'
version = latest_version
if specs._version:
version = specs.version
write_eb_conda_config(specs.package, version, homepage, summary)
return specs.package, version
def bundle(**kwargs):
dependencies = []
for module in kwargs['modules']:
t = module.split('=')
dependencies.append({'version': t[1], 'name': t[0]})
write_eb_bundle_config(kwargs['name'], kwargs['version'], dependencies)
def module(**kwargs):
for package in kwargs['packages']:
def conda_bundle(**kwargs):
dependencies = []
for package in kwargs['packages']:
name, version = get_package_data(package)
dependencies.append({'name': name, 'version': version})
write_eb_bundle_config(kwargs['name'], kwargs['version'], dependencies)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='subcommands',
description='valid subcommands',
help='Choose a valid subcommand')
module_subparser = subparsers.add_parser('module')
module_subparser.add_argument('--packages', '-p',
help="""Packages to install as modules.
Package should be in format channel/name or channel/name/version.
Example: bioconda/samtools/1.9
You can specify more than 1 package by putting a space between.
Example: bioconda/samtools/1.9 bioconda/samtools/1.8""")
bundle_subparser = subparsers.add_parser('bundle')
bundle_subparser.add_argument('--name', '-n',
help="""Module name to use with module load.""")
bundle_subparser.add_argument('--version', '-v',
help="""Module version to use with module load.""")
bundle_subparser.add_argument('--modules', '-m',
help="""Modules to include in the bundle.
Package should be in format name=version.
Example: samtools=1.9""")
conda_bundle_subparser = subparsers.add_parser('conda_bundle')
conda_bundle_subparser.add_argument('--name', '-n',
help="""Module name to use with module load.""")
conda_bundle_subparser.add_argument('--version', '-v',
help="""Module version to use with module load.""")
conda_bundle_subparser.add_argument('--packages', '-p',
help="""Packages to install as modules.
Package should be in format channel/name or channel/name/version.
Example: bioconda/samtools/1.9
You can specify more than 1 package by putting a space between.
Example: bioconda/samtools/1.9 bioconda/samtools/1.8""")
kwargs = vars(parser.parse_args())
if kwargs['subparser'] is not None:
subparser = kwargs.pop('subparser')
if __name__ == "__main__":
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