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Transform and compile raw SIL
# Path to the swift compiler
IFS='' read -d '' -r SOURCE <<"EOF"
struct Some {
let attr = 0
let x = Some()
print("Value", x.attr)
print("Info", Some.Type.self, Mirror(reflecting: x))
# Write the file, and emit sil
echo "$SOURCE" > some.swift
$SWIFT -frontend -emit-silgen some.swift -module-name $MODULE -o some.sil
cat some.sil
# Now do some transformations on the sil
sed -i "" "s,Some,Fun,g" some.sil
# Compile and link the executable
$SWIFT -frontend -c some.sil -g -module-name $MODULE -emit-module-path $MODULE.swiftmodule -o some.o
$SWIFTC some.o
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