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Created March 25, 2011 22:28
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Mersenne Twister - Random number generator
// Mersenne Twister 19937
// Based on code from:
// Note: This implementation is not thread-safe!
final class MersenneTwister (seed: Int = 5489) {
private val N = 624
private val M = 397
private val MatrixA = 0x9908b0dfL
private val UpperMask = 0x80000000L
private val LowerMask = 0x7fffffffL
private val mt = new Array[Long](N)
private var mti = N + 1
mt(0) = seed
for (i <- 1 until N) mt(i) = (1812433253L * (mt(i - 1) ^ (mt(i - 1) >>> 30)) + i) & 0xffffffffL
// Generates the next random integer in the sequence
def nextInt(): Int = {
var y = 0L
if (mti >= N) {
val mag01 = Array(0L, MatrixA)
var kk = 0
while (kk < N - M) {
y = (mt(kk) & UpperMask) | (mt(kk + 1) & LowerMask)
mt(kk) = mt(kk + M) ^ (y >>> 1) ^ mag01(y.toInt & 0x1)
kk += 1
while (kk < N - 1) {
y = (mt(kk) & UpperMask) | (mt(kk + 1) & LowerMask)
mt(kk) = mt(kk + (M - N)) ^ (y >>> 1) ^ mag01(y.toInt & 0x1)
kk += 1
y = (mt(N - 1) & UpperMask) | (mt(0) & LowerMask)
mt(N - 1) = mt(M - 1) ^ (y >>> 1) ^ mag01(y.toInt & 0x1)
mti = 0
y = mt(mti); mti += 1
y ^= y >>> 11
y ^= (y << 7) & 0x9d2c5680L
y ^= (y << 15) & 0xefc60000L
y ^= (y >>> 18)
// Generates a random integer in the interval [0, limit)
def nextInt(limit: Int): Int = {
// Find shift distance
val lim = limit.toLong & 0xffffffffL
var n = -1; var bit = 1L << 32
while (bit > lim) { n += 1; bit >>>= 1 }
// Generate integer, take most significant bits; reject while outside interval
var r = (nextInt().toLong & 0xffffffffL) >>> n
while (r >= lim) { r = (nextInt().toLong & 0xffffffffL) >>> n }
// Generates a random Double in the interval [0, 1)
def nextDouble(): Double = {
val a: Long = (nextInt().toLong & 0xffffffffL) >>> 5
val b: Long = (nextInt().toLong & 0xffffffffL) >>> 6
(a * 67108864.0 + b) / 9007199254740992.0
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peri4n commented Jan 15, 2012

Thanks for clarification.

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