get the container running on port 5000 NOTE: 5000:5432 => map from 5432 to 5000
docker run --name dev-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pwd -p 5000:5432 -d postgres
access shell for that container
docker exec -it dev-postgres bash
- enter the psql command line
psql -h localhost -U postgres
- list databses
- connect to a db
\c <database_name> <optional: as_user>
example:\c database spring_auth
- list tables
- get schema of table, i.e descirbe
\d table_name
example:\d users
- create user
For using extra types and general purpose utilities that are not supported by the Hibernate ORM core and optimiser for jpa and hibernate solutions can be found in resource #5
- https://chartio.com/resources/tutorials/how-to-list-databases-and-tables-in-postgresql-using-psql/
- https://www.postgresqltutorial.com/postgresql-describe-table/
- https://kb.objectrocket.com/postgresql/how-to-use-the-postgres-create-user-command-1449
- https://www.codementor.io/@engineerapart/getting-started-with-postgresql-on-mac-osx-are8jcopb
- https://github.com/vladmihalcea/hibernate-types
- https://medium.com/coding-blocks/creating-user-database-and-adding-access-on-postgresql-8bfcd2f4a91e