Save the file as ~/.ctags (or for a project specific, just as .ctags in the directory you generate the tags in)
These regexes should cover all of the following:
class MyAwesomeClass # tag = MyAwesomeClass
class my_Class # tag = my_Class
class Namespace.MyClass # tag = MyClass
class Namespace.Child extends Namespace.Base # tag = Child
doIt: -> # tag = doIt
zip = -> # tag = zip
fooBar: (param) -> # tag = fooBar
bazZoo: => x * x # tag = bazZoo -> # tag = bar
module.exports.@foo: => # tag = foo = -> # tag = cat
my_Var = 'foo' # tag = myVar
@local_Var = 'bar' # tag = localVar
prop: 'bar' # tag = prop
@bam: 'zoo' # tag = bam
constructor: (@foo) -> # tag = foo
constructor: (@bar, @zip) -> # tags = bar, zip
initialize: (@prop = {}) -> # tag = prop
initialize: (@baz={}, @me = 'foo') -> # tags = baz, me
@bjornharrtell for the original gist @Tyderion for additions to the original
Gives an error on all the last examples. The tags do get written though.