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Created May 27, 2018 18:10
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const _ = (window)? window._ : require('underscore');
const {sum} = (window)? window.util : require('./Util');
const checkBounds = (body, world)=>{
let {position:[posX, posY], extents: [extX, extY]} = body;
let {boundsMinX: minX, boundsMinY: minY, boundsMaxX: maxX, boundsMaxY: maxY} = world;
if((posX - extX) < minX){
onCollision(body, null,{
axis: 0,
offset: -(posX - extX - minX)
if((posX + extX) > maxX){
onCollision(body, null, {
axis: 0,
offset:-(posX + extX - maxX)
if((posY - extY) < minY){
onCollision(body, world.groundPlane, {
axis: 1,
offset: -(posY - extY - minY)
if((posY + extY) > maxY){
onCollision(body, null, {
axis: 1,
offset:-(posY + extY - maxY)
const createBody = (options, world)=>{
let body = {
position: [],
velocity: [],
extents: [],
impulses: [],
collPriority: 0
x: body.position[0] = 0,
y: body.position[1] = 0,
xVelocity: body.velocity[0] = 0,
yVelocity: body.velocity[1] = 0,
width: body.extents[0] = 1,
height: body.extents[1] = 1,
useGravity: body.useGravity = true,
isPlayer: body.isPlayer,
isRocket: body.isRocket,
collisionCB: body.collisionCB,
mass: body.mass = 0,
} = options);
body.collPriority = 1;
body.prevPosition = body.position;
body.extents =, (extent)=> extent/2);
body.prevMin = body.min;
body.prevMax = body.max;
addBody(body, world);
return body;
const removeBody = (body, world)=>{
//we replace the body we want to remove, with the last element in the list
//then we shrink the list by one.
const dIndex = _.findWhere(world.dynamicBodies, {id:});
if(dIndex !== undefined){
dLength = world.dynamicBodies.length - 1;
world.dynamicBodies[dIndex] = world.dynamicBodies[dLength];
world.dynamicBodies.length = dLength;
const bIndex = _.findWhere(world.bodies, {id:});
if(bIndex !== undefined){
bLength = world.bodies.length - 1;
world.bodies[bIndex] = world.dynamicBodies[bLength];
world.bodies.length = bLength;
const playerColl = (body, collBody, contact)=>{
body.velocity[contact.axis] = 0;
body.position[contact.axis] += contact.offset;
if(contact.axis === 1 && body && body.position[1] > collBody.position[1]){
body.isOn = collBody;
const onCollision = (bodyA, bodyB, contactA, contactB)=>{
collisionRouter[bodyA.collPriority](bodyA, bodyB, contactA);
collisionRouter[bodyB.collPriority](bodyB, bodyA, contactB);
const collisionRouter =[
const updateAABB = (body)=>{
body.prevMin = body.min;
body.prevMax = body.max;
body.min = [body.position[0] - body.extents[0],
body.position[1] - body.extents[1]];
body.max = [body.position[0] + body.extents[0],
body.position[1] + body.extents[1]];
const createWorld = (options = {})=>{
let state = {};
state.boundsObj = {isBounds: true};
gravity: state.gravity = [0,-10],
boundsMinX: state.boundsMinX = 0,
boundsMinY: state.boundsMinY = 0,
boundsMaxX: state.boundsMaxX = 100,
boundsMaxY: state.boundsMaxY = 100,
gridSize: state.gridSize = 10,
} = options);
state.groundPlane = {
isGroundplane: true,
state.bodies = [];
state.dynamicBodies = [];
state._uniqID = 0;
return state;
const step = (step, world)=>{
moveDynamicBodies(step, world);
const moveDynamicBodies = (step, world)=>{
_.each(world.dynamicBodies, (body)=>{
body.prevPosition = body.position;
body.isDirty = body.isDirty || isOffFloor(body, body.isOn);
body.isOn = false;
body.isDirty = false;
body.velocity = [0,0];
if(body.useGravity && !body.isOn){
body.velocity = sum(body.velocity, world.gravity, (vel, grav)=> vel + grav * step);
body.position = sum(body.position, body.velocity, (pos, vel)=> pos + vel * step);
_.each(body.impulses, (impulse)=>{
body.position = sum(body.position, impulse, (pos, imp)=> pos + imp * step);
body.impulses.length = 0;
const collisionCheck = (world)=>{
//Update bounding boxes for ease of use later, and clear uniq collision check
_.each(world.dynamicBodies, (dBody)=> {
dBody.bodiesChecked = {};
//we iterate over every dynamic body, then all bodies
//we assume static bodies can't collide with each other
_.each(world.dynamicBodies, (dBody)=>{
checkBounds(dBody, world);
_.each(world.bodies, (collBody)=>{
//make sure the body isn't itself. and making sure it hasn't collided already
if( !== && !dBody.bodiesChecked[]){
//making sure we don't do the same collision check twice
if(collBody.bodiesChecked !== undefined){
if(dBody.min[0] < collBody.max[0] && dBody.max[0] > collBody.min[0] &&
dBody.min[1] < collBody.max[1] && dBody.max[1] > collBody.min[1]){
if(dBody.isRocket || collBody.isRocket){
dBody.collisionCB(dBody, collBody);
collBody.collisionCB(dBody, collBody);
else if(dBody.isPlayer && collBody.isPlayer){
const contacts = dynamicCollisions(dBody, collBody);
onCollision(dBody, collBody, contacts[0], contacts[1]);
const contact = axisAABBIntersect(dBody, collBody);
onCollision(dBody, collBody, contact);
//figures out if we are hitting the side or the top
const axisAABBIntersect = (bodyA, bodyB)=>{
if(bodyA.prevMin[1] < bodyB.prevMax[1] && bodyB.prevMin[1] < bodyA.prevMax[1]){
const offset = (bodyA.position[0] > bodyB.position[0])?
bodyB.max[0] - bodyA.min[0]: bodyB.min[0] - bodyA.max[0];
return {
axis: 0,
const offset = (bodyA.position[1] > bodyB.position[1])?
bodyB.max[1] - bodyA.min[1] : bodyA.max[1] - bodyB.min[1];
return {
axis: 1,
//handles 2 players colliding with each other.
const dynamicCollisions = (bodyA, bodyB)=>{
const result = axisAABBIntersect(bodyA, bodyB);
const halfOffset = result.offset * 0.5;
const distTraveledA = (bodyA.position[result.axis] - bodyA.prevPosition[result.axis]) * -1;
let bodyAOffset;
if(distTraveledA >= 0){
bodyAOffset = Math.min(halfOffset, distTraveledA);
bodyAOffset = Math.max(halfOffset, distTraveledA);
//we are checking if one character landed on the other
if(result.axis === 1){
axis: result.axis,
offset: 0
axis: result.axis,
offset: result.offset
return [result, null]
//the characters are not standing on each other
return [{
axis: result.axis,
offset: halfOffset
axis: result.axis,
offset: halfOffset * -1
const isOffFloor = (body, floor)=>{
return !floor.isGroundplane &&
(body.min[0] > floor.max[0] || body.max[0] < floor.min[0])
const rayAABBIntersection = (min, max, dir)=>{
const result = {};
const origin = [min[0] + max[0] / 2,
min[1] + max[1] / 2];
const xPlane = (dir[0] > 0) ? max[0] : min[0];
const yPlane = (dir[1] > 0) ? max[1] : min[1];
const xDist = dir[0] / (xPlane - origin[0]);
const yDist = dir[1] / (yPlane - origin[1]);
if(xDist < yDist){
result.axis = 0;
result.point = [dir[0] / xDist + origin[0], dir[1] / xDist + origin[1]];
result.axis = 1;
result. point = [dir[0] / yDist + origin[0], dir[1] / yDist + origin[1]];
return result;
const addBody = (body, world)=>{
if(body.mass > 0){
} = world._uniqID++;
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