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Forked from PierreMage/PowerShell-profile.ps1
Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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:: F7 = history
:: Alt+F7 = history -c
:: F8 = Ctrl+R
:: Use & to run multiple commands e.g.: command1 & command2
:: Add this file as a REG_SZ/REG_EXPAND_SZ registry variables in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command or Processor\AutoRun HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun
@echo off
:: Linux commands
doskey alias = doskey $*
doskey cat = type $*
doskey clear = cls
doskey cp = copy $*
doskey cpr = xcopy $*
doskey grep = find $*
doskey history = doskey /history
doskey kill = taskkill /PID $*
doskey ls = dir $*
doskey man = help $*
doskey mv = move $*
doskey ps = tasklist $*
doskey pwd = cd
doskey rm = del $*
doskey rmr = deltree $*
doskey sudo = runas /user:administrator $*
:: Easier navigation
alias o = start $*
alias oo = start .
doskey .. = cd ..\$*
doskey ... = cd ..\..\$*
doskey .... = cd ..\..\..\$*
doskey ..... = cd ..\..\..\..\$*
:: Maven
:: Requires M2_HOME\bin to be added to the Path environment variable
:: -rf --resume-from <project>
doskey mci = mvn clean install
doskey mcis = mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip
doskey mcp = mvn clean package
doskey mcps = mvn clean prepare-package war:exploded -Dmaven.test.skip
doskey mct = mvn clean test
doskey mvns = mvn $* -Dmaven.test.skip=true
:: User specific doskeys
:: Add your own doskeys below
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