// ==UserScript== |
// @name Metafilter MultiFavorited Multiwidth |
// @author andytuba |
// @namespace http://www.metafilter.com/user/25038 |
// @description https://gist.github.com/andytuba/af19e8db8dde937afb1a/edit |
// @include http://www.metafilter.com/* |
// @include http://*.metafilter.com/* |
// ==/UserScript== |
setTimeout(go, 200); // cheat instead of learning about Tampermonkey startup and config |
function go() { |
// Threshold; at this number or higher the comment will be highlights |
var threshold = 2; |
// Highlighting colors, change to match your preferences! |
var MetaHighlight='#337dc3'; |
var askMeHighlight='#47cf4a'; |
var TalkHighlight='#888888'; |
var searchPattern = 'a[title*="marked this as favorite"]'; |
var options = document.querySelectorAll(searchPattern); |
var i; |
for (var klass = null, i = 0; (klass = options[i]); i++) { |
var favCount=klass.title.replace(/^[^0-9]*([0-9]+)[^0-9]+$/,'$1'); |
if (favCount >= threshold) { |
var commentNode=klass; |
while (commentNode.nodeName != "DIV") { |
commentNode = commentNode.parentNode; |
} |
commentNode.style.borderLeft=''+((favCount/2)+1)+'px solid'; |
commentNode.style.paddingLeft='5px'; |
commentNode.style.marginLeft=''+(70-((favCount/2)+1))+'px'; |
if (document.location.hostname.indexOf('www')==0) |
commentNode.style.borderColor=MetaHighlight; |
if (document.location.hostname.indexOf('ask')==0) |
commentNode.style.borderColor=askMeHighlight |
if (document.location.hostname.indexOf('metatalk')==0) |
commentNode.style.borderColor=TalkHighlight; |
}; |
} |
} |
Thanks for doing this! Nice to see that people are still getting use out of this.