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jfloff /
Last active September 9, 2021 09:36
Intercepting Socket.getInputStream using AspectJ LTW
// Client: reads a string from stdin and sends it to the Server. Waits for the same message from the server.
public class Client
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
Socket socket = new Socket("", 1234);
jfloff / latex-tips.tex
Created January 21, 2016 11:44
Latex Image tips
% 2 images side-by-side aligned bottom for IEEE
\caption{The write path for Facebook’s replicated storage. On-path caches are synchronously updated; off-path caches are asynchronously invalidated. There is a single master region for each shard with the root-master cache and master database. Different shards may have masters in different regions. Even though (\textit{6a''}) is depicted in \cite{Lu2015,Bronson2013}, according to \cite{Fisk2013} that interation is actually done through Wormhole (\textit{6b''}). (Adapted from \cite{Lu2015,Fisk2013}) }
jfloff /
Last active February 13, 2025 01:03
How to get MAMP to work with SSL ... Yes really.

First of all you need to be able to run MAMP in port 80. This is a "heat check" if you don't have any process jamming http ports. You can check it like this:

sudo lsof | grep LISTEN

If you do happen to have any process with something like this *:http (LISTEN), you are in trouble. Before with adventure check if it isn't MAMP itself (yeah, you should close that beforehand)

ps <pid of that process>

If you don't see MAMP, you are in good hands, I have just the thing for you:

jfloff / gist:4750950
Last active May 18, 2019 10:12
Virtual Hosts for MAMP
  1. Open hosts file:

    $ sudo subl /private/etc/hosts
  2. Place the following line at the end of the file: link
  3. Open MAMP's vhosts file: