echo off |
echo Please make sure base_loc variable is set to the desired drive (e.g. C:, D:, E:) |
set base_loc=C: |
set proj_dir=%base_loc%\Projects\LinkProject |
set lab_dir=%proj_dir%\Lab |
set target_dir=%lab_dir%\dirA\dir1 |
REM These are the cleanup lines . . . |
REM echo Cleaning up directories |
REM del %lab_dir%\test.txt |
REM rmdir %target_dir% |
REM rmdir %lab_dir%\JunctionA1 |
REM del %lab_dir%\SymlinkdA1 |
REM del %lab_dir%\test.txt.lnk |
REM del %lab_dir%\test_hard.txt |
REM Making a target directory |
REM We will be moving this to do target moving testing |
echo Creating target directory %target_dir% . . . |
md %target_dir% |
REM Create a junction |
echo Creating junction . . . |
mklink /J %lab_dir%\JunctionA1 %target_dir% |
REM Create a symlinkd |
echo Creating symlinkd . . . |
mklink /d %lab_dir%\SymlinkdA1 %target_dir% |
REM Create file |
echo Creating target file . . . |
echo lab test > %lab_dir%\test.txt |
REM Create soft link / symlink to the file |
echo Creating a symlink/"soft link" to the file . . . |
mklink %lab_dir%\test.txt.lnk %lab_dir%\test.txt |
REM Create hard link to the file |
echo Creating a hard link to the file . . . |
mklink /h %lab_dir%\test_hard.txt %lab_dir%\test.txt |
REM Create shortcut to the file |
echo Create a shortcut to the file (manually, please) . . . |
pause |
REM Now display the results of dir /a:l |
echo Running DIR /A:L |
dir /a:L /s %lab_dir% |