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Created April 20, 2021 21:06
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oblivion dialog export csv to xvaSynth csv
$DialogPieces = Import-Csv .\exportDialog.txt -Delimiter "`t"
$xVASynthSample = Import-Csv D:\Modding\xVASynth-win32-x64\resources\app\batch\sample.csv -Delimiter ","
$fakeString = ""
$DialogPieces | ForEach-Object {
$filePath = $_.File
$Textstring = $_.Text
if(($null -ne $Textstring) -and ("" -ne $Textstring)) {
$filePath = $filePath.Replace("\","/")
$Textstring = $Textstring.Replace(",&sUActnQuick1;","")
$newRow = New-Object PsObject -Property @{ game_id = 'oblivion' ; voice_id = 'ob_femalenords'; text = $Textstring; vocoder=""; out_path="."+$filePath+".wav"; pacing=1 }
$xVASynthSample += $newRow
$xVASynthSample | Export-Csv "test.csv"
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