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Created March 16, 2010 08:07
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Memcached Munin Plugin
# memcached munin plugin
# requirements: memcached and the memcache gem (sudo gem install memcache)
require 'rubygems'
require 'memcache'
HOST = ENV['HOST'].nil? ? '' : ENV['HOST']
PORT = ENV['PORT'].nil? ? 11211 : ENV['PORT']
if ARGV.first == "config"
puts "graph_title Memcached - items"
puts 'graph_category Memcached'
puts 'graph_vlabel Items'
puts 'curr_items.label Current items'
puts 'evictions.label Items ousted'
mem = => ENV['HOST'], :port => ENV['PORT'])
stats_hash = mem.stats
puts "curr_items.value #{stats_hash['curr_items']}"
puts "evictions.value #{stats_hash['evictions']}"
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