chain forward {
type filter hook forward priority filter; policy accept;
log prefix "FORWARD" group 0
The Group ID is important and is used in ulogd2 config below
Stack dedines the chain of filters used when processing the event. In this case we have the following chain (in sequence) :
- NFLOG : gets data from Netfilter event
- BASE : parse the raw data into comprehensive elements
- IFINDEX : translate numeric interface id into symbolic ones
- IP2STR : translate binary format IP addresses into readable strings
- MYSQL : output to MySQL
Each filter can be prefixed with a configuration block :
The procedure defined a SQL stored procedure to call with the data, so that extra logic processing can be perfomed by the database engine. In our case, we are using "INSERT" and define a table to do a simple INSERT in a table (without pre-processing by the database engine).
In order to know the possible fields avaible to insert, you need to query the ulogd2 modules present in yur stack :
ulogd -i /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ulogd/
ulogd -i /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ulogd/
ulogd -i /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ulogd/
ulogd -i /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ulogd/
All dots in the names need to be changed to underscores for MySQL.
The resulting table structure is :
CREATE TABLE `fwevent` (
`id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
`oob_prefix` varchar(32) COLLATE ascii_bin DEFAULT NULL,
`oob_time_sec` int(32) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`oob_time_usec` int(32) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`oob_uid` int(32) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`ip_protocol` int(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`ip_tos` int(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`ip_ttl` int(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`ip_totlen` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`ip_ihl` int(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`ip_csum` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`ip_id` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`ip_fragoff` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`ip6_payloadlen` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`ip6_priority` int(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`ip6_flowlabel` int(32) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`ip6_hoplimit` int(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`ip6_nexthdr` int(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`ip6_fragoff` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`ip6_fragid` int(32) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`tcp_sport` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`tcp_dport` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`tcp_seq` int(32) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`tcp_ackseq` int(32) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`tcp_window` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`tcp_offset` int(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`tcp_reserved` int(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`tcp_urg` tinyint(4) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`tcp_urgp` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`tcp_ack` tinyint(4) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`tcp_psh` tinyint(4) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`tcp_rst` tinyint(4) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`tcp_syn` tinyint(4) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`tcp_fin` tinyint(4) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`tcp_res1` tinyint(4) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`tcp_res2` tinyint(4) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`tcp_csum` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`udp_sport` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`udp_dport` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`udp_len` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`udp_csum` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`icmp_type` int(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`icmp_code` int(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`icmp_echoid` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`icmp_echoseq` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`icmp_fragmtu` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`icmp_csum` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`icmpv6_type` int(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`icmpv6_code` int(8) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`icmpv6_echoid` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`icmpv6_echoseq` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`icmpv6_csum` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`ahesp_spi` int(32) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`arp_hwtype` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`arp_protocoltype` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`arp_operation` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`sctp_sport` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`sctp_dport` int(16) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`sctp_csum` int(32) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL,
`oob_in` varchar(32) COLLATE ascii_bin DEFAULT NULL,
`oob_out` varchar(32) COLLATE ascii_bin DEFAULT NULL,
`ip_saddr_str` varchar(32) COLLATE ascii_bin DEFAULT NULL,
`ip_daddr_str` varchar(32) COLLATE ascii_bin DEFAULT NULL,
`orig_ip_saddr_str` varchar(32) COLLATE ascii_bin DEFAULT NULL,
`orig_ip_daddr_str` varchar(32) COLLATE ascii_bin DEFAULT NULL,
`reply_ip_saddr_str` varchar(32) COLLATE ascii_bin DEFAULT NULL,
`reply_ip_daddr_str` varchar(32) COLLATE ascii_bin DEFAULT NULL,
`arp_saddr_str` varchar(32) COLLATE ascii_bin DEFAULT NULL,
`arp_daddr_str` varchar(32) COLLATE ascii_bin DEFAULT NULL