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Created September 27, 2013 19:52
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Ghost Kudos Plugin Example
var fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
_ = require('underscore'),
when = require('when'),
express = require('express'),
GhostPlugin = require('../../../core/server/plugins/GhostPlugin'),
knex = require('../../../core/server/models/base').Knex,
KudosPlugin = function (ghost) {
_.bindAll(this, "addKudosToPost");
var templateContents = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'assets', 'kudos.tpl')).toString();
this.htmlTemplate = _.template(templateContents);, ghost);
_.extend(KudosPlugin.prototype, GhostPlugin.prototype);
_.extend(KudosPlugin.prototype, {
install: function () {
// Create table to hold kudos counts for posts
return when.all([
knex.Schema.createTable('posts_kudos', function (t) {
uninstall: function () {
// Drop our table to hold kudos counts
return when.all([
// TODO: How do I unregister the scripts folder and routes?
activate: function () {
var self = this;
// Register the assets folder as /plugins/Kudos"/plugins/kudos/assets", express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'assets')));
// Register the route for incrementing kudos"/plugins/kudos/api/", function (req, res) {
// TODO: Request throttling or something?
var postId = req.param('postId', 0);
if (!postId) {
return res.send(404, "Post Not Found with id " + postId);
self.incrementPostKudos(postId).then(function () {
res.json({ success: true });
}, function (e) {
res.json({ error: e.message });
// Add the css reference for our kudos functionality"ghost_head", this.addCSSReference);
// Add the script reference for our kudos functionality"ghost_foot", this.addScriptReference);
// Add the html for the kudos view to the bottom of the post"prePostsRender", this.addKudosToPost);
// TODO: Would be nice to have a filter for when a post is created, so that we could insert the post_kudos default row
deactivate: function () {
// Add the css reference for our kudos functionality"ghost_head", this.addCSSReference);
// Add the script reference for our kudos functionality"ghost_foot", this.addScriptReference);
// Add the html for the kudos view to the bottom of the post"prePostsRender", this.addKudosToPost);
incrementPostKudos: function (postId) {
return knex('posts_kudos').increment('kudos', 1)
.where('post_id', postId);
addKudosToPost: function (post) {
if (_.isArray(post)) {
// Don't do anything on the list view, just for single posts
return post;
return this.addKudosContent(post);
addCSSReference: function (styles) {
styles.push('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/plugins/kudos/assets/kudos.css">');
return styles;
addScriptReference: function (scripts) {
// TODO: Check existing scripts for underscore/backbone already loaded
// TODO: The underscore and backbone additions could just be there own plugins
scripts.push('<script src="//"></script>');
scripts.push('<script src="//"></script>');
scripts.push('<script src="/plugins/kudos/assets/kudos.js"></script>');
return scripts;
addKudosContent: function (post) {
var self = this;
// Add Kudo count from database
return knex('posts_kudos').select('kudos').where({
}).then(function (kudosVal) {
// Default to 0
var kudosCount = kudosVal && kudosVal.length > 0 ? kudosVal[0].kudos : 0;
// Add the kudo figure html
post.html += self.htmlTemplate({
kudos: kudosCount
// Add the post id to the Kudo object
// TODO: This should be made available by Ghost somewhere on the page
post.html += "\n<script>window.Kudo = window.Kudo || {}; window.Kudo.postId = " + + ";</script>";
if (kudosVal.length < 1) {
// Add the default kudos row
return knex('posts_kudos').insert({
kudos: 0
}).then(function () {
return when.resolve(post);
return when.resolve(post);
}).otherwise(function (e) {
console.log("Problem loading post kudos", e);
module.exports = KudosPlugin;
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