<!DOCTYPE html> |
<meta charset="utf-8"> |
<title>Distances from North Korea</title> |
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body { |
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fill: #fff; |
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stroke: #000; |
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width: 300px; |
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</style> |
<body> |
<div id="map1"><p> Spherical, Non-Rotating</div> |
<div id="map2"><p> Spherical, Rotating</div> |
<div id="map3"><p> Elliptical, Non-Rotating</div> |
<script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script> |
<script src="http://d3js.org/topojson.v1.min.js"></script> |
<script> |
var width = 300, |
height = 500; |
var origin = [127.2565, 40.2012], |
degrees = 180 / Math.PI, |
radians = Math.PI / 180; |
var projection = d3.geo.azimuthalEquidistant() |
.translate([150,250]) |
.clipAngle(120) |
.scale(70) |
.rotate([-origin[0], -origin[1], 0]) |
.precision(.1); |
var angle = projection.clipAngle(), |
t = projection.translate(); |
var path = d3.geo.path().pointRadius(2.5).projection(projection), |
circle = d3.geo.circle().origin(origin), |
format = d3.format(",d"); |
var ellipse = function (data,φ,params){ |
data.coordinates[0] = data.coordinates[0].map(function (d){ |
var tf = flightTime(origin,φ*radians,params), |
xeci = toCartesian(d,params), |
xecef = rotate(xeci, tf,params); // rotates earth |
return toLLA(xecef,params); |
}); |
return data; |
} |
var svg = d3.selectAll("#map1, #map2, #map3") |
.data(["spherical inertial", "spherical", "wgs84"]) |
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var g = svg.append("g").attr("class","map"); |
svg.append("path") |
.attr("class", "graticule") |
.datum(d3.geo.graticule()()); |
svg.each(function (type){ |
var g = d3.select(this), |
p = earth(type); |
var δ = 1e6 / p.Re * degrees; |
g.selectAll("path.circle") |
.data(d3.range(δ, angle, δ)) |
.enter().append("path") |
.datum(function(d) { return ellipse(circle.angle(d)(),d,p); }) |
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.attr("xlink:href", function(_, i) { return "#text-" + angle + "-" + i; }) |
.text(function(d) { return format(d) + "km"; }); |
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svg.append("path") |
.datum({type: "Sphere"}) |
.attr("class", "outline"); |
svg.append("path") |
.datum({type: "Point", coordinates: origin}); |
svg.each(redraw); |
d3.json("/d/4090846/world-50m.json", function(error, world) { |
var land = topojson.feature(world, world.objects.land); |
g.append("path") |
.datum(land) |
.attr("class", "land-glow"); |
g.append("path") |
.datum(land) |
.attr("class", "land"); |
g.append("path") |
.datum(topojson.mesh(world, world.objects.countries)) |
.attr("class", "border"); |
g.each(redraw); |
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function redraw(type) { |
d3.select(this).selectAll("path").attr("d", path); |
} |
function earth(earth_type){ |
var param = { |
// Semi-major axis of earth radus (equatorial radius) (m) |
Re: 6378137.0, |
// Earth gravitational constant (m^3/s^2) |
// Mass of Earth's Atmosphere not included |
mu: 3.986004418e14, |
// Earth rotation rate (rad/s) |
rotation_rate : 7292115.1467e-11, |
// Eccentricity (unitless) |
eccentricity: 0.08181919084262149 |
} |
type = earth_type.split(" "); |
type.forEach(function (t){ |
switch (t){ |
case "wgs84": |
// Do nothing |
break; |
case "spherical": |
param.Re = 6371000; // Mean radius |
param.eccentricity = 0; |
break; |
case "inertial": |
param.rotation_rate = 0; |
break; |
} |
}); |
return param; |
} |
function rotate(pos,time,p){ |
var ω = p.rotation_rate, |
ct = Math.cos(time*ω), |
st = Math.sin(time*ω); |
return [ |
ct * pos[0] + st*pos[1], |
-st * pos[0] + ct*pos[1], |
pos[2] |
]; |
} |
function flightTime(launch, φ, p){ |
// Earth Parameters |
var μ = p.mu, |
Re = p.Re, |
γ = 45 * Math.PI/180; |
// Calculate earth center vector length at latitude, longitude |
var R0 = toCartesian(launch, p), |
r0 = Math.sqrt(R0.reduce(function (a,b){return a+b*b;})); |
// Velocity of Target |
var V = Math.sqrt(μ*(1-Math.cos(φ))/ (r0*Math.cos(γ)*(r0*Math.cos(γ)/Re - Math.cos(φ+γ)))); |
// Constant to calculate flight time |
var λ = r0*V*V/μ; |
// Calculate Flight Time |
var cg = Math.cos(γ), |
sg = Math.sin(γ), |
tg = Math.tan(γ), |
cp = Math.cos(φ), |
sp = Math.sin(φ), |
cgp = Math.cos(γ + φ), |
cot = 1 / Math.tan(φ/2); |
var first_term = (tg*(1-cp) + (1-λ)*sp) / ((2-λ)*((1-cp)/(λ*cg*cg) + cgp/cg)), |
sec_term = 2*cg / (λ*Math.pow(2/λ-1,1.5)) * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(2/λ-1),(cg*cot-sg)); |
return r0 / (V*cg) * (first_term + sec_term); |
} |
function toCartesian(gc,p) { |
var ε = p.eccentricity, |
Re = p.Re; |
var lat = gc[1]*radians, |
lon = gc[0]*radians, |
alt = 0, |
slat = Math.sin(lat), |
clat = Math.cos(lat); |
var R = Re / Math.sqrt(1 - ε*ε*slat*slat); |
var x = (R + alt)*clat*Math.cos(lon); |
var y = (R + alt)*clat*Math.sin(lon); |
var z = (R + alt - ε*ε*R)*slat; |
return [x,y,z]; |
} |
function toLLA(position,p){ |
var ε = p.eccentricity, |
Re = p.Re; |
var x = position[0], |
y = position[1], |
z = position[2], |
xSq=x*x, |
ySq=y*y; |
// WGS84 ellipsoid constants: |
var eSq = ε*ε, |
r = Math.sqrt(xSq + ySq), |
b = Re*Math.sqrt(1-eSq); |
// Longitude |
var lon = Math.atan2(y, x); |
if (ε == 0){ |
lat = Math.atan2(z,r); |
}else { |
var l = eSq/2.0, |
lSq = l* l, |
m = Math.pow(r/Re, 2), |
n = Math.pow((1-eSq)*z/b, 2), |
i = -(2.0*lSq+m+n)/2.0, |
k = lSq*(lSq-m-n), |
q = Math.pow((m+n-4.0*lSq), 3)/216.0 + m*n*lSq, |
D = Math.sqrt((2.0*q-m*n*lSq)*m*n*lSq), |
beta = i/3.0 - Math.pow((q+D), (1.0/3.0)) - Math.pow((q-D), (1.0/3.0)); |
var sign=0; |
if((m-n) > 0){ |
sign = 1; |
}else if((m-n) < 0){ |
sign = -1; |
} |
var t = Math.sqrt( Math.sqrt(beta*beta - k) |
- (beta+i)/2.0) |
- sign*Math.sqrt((beta-i)/2.0); |
var r0 = r/(t+l); |
var z0 = (1-eSq)*z/(t-l); |
// Latitude |
var lat = Math.atan(z0/((1-eSq)*r0)); |
} |
return [lon*degrees, lat*degrees]; |
} |
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