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Jesús Gómez jgomo3

Working from home
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jgomo3 / map_threads.clj
Created February 18, 2025 19:30
Thread macros for elements of a collection
(ns map-threads)
(defmacro map-> [coll & body]
`(for [e# ~coll]
(-> e# ~@body)))
(defmacro map->> [coll & body]
`(for [e# ~coll]
(->> e# ~@body)))
;;=============== play with flow ==============
(require '[clojure.core.async :as async]
'[clojure.core.async.flow :as flow]
'[clojure.pprint :as pp])
(defn monitoring [{:keys [report-chan error-chan]}]
(prn "========= monitoring start")
(loop []
(let [[val port] (async/alts!! [report-chan error-chan])]
jgomo3 /
Created September 1, 2023 14:16
Decouple structure and implementation and delay the coupling to another time.
interface Length {
int getLength();
class CommentStruct {
protected String author;
protected String content;
public class Comment extends CommentStruct implements Length{
jgomo3 / inf_req_14.rb
Created October 23, 2022 19:31
Solución al ejercicio 14 de Infinita Recursión
# Genera una nueva lista como `lista`, pero los valores asociados a
# `:id` de cada elemento valen lo miso que su posición en la lista.
# Ejemplo:
# reindexar([{id: nil, val: :x}, {id: nil, val: :y}])
# # genera
# [{id: 0, val: :x}, {id: 1, val: :y}]
# @param lista [[Object]]
jgomo3 / bb3.clj
Last active August 13, 2022 13:02
Solución al ejercicio 3 de Blackbox
(ns jgomo3.playground.blackbox.bb3)
(def tdc-long 16)
(def tdc-ocult 13)
(def tdc-most (- tdc-long tdc-ocult))
(defn tdc-req? [n]
"String -> Boolean
Condición para procesar `n` como tarjeta de crédito"
(= (count n) tdc-long))
jgomo3 / bb2.clj
Created August 1, 2022 01:16
Solución al ejercicio 2 de Blackbox
(ns jgomo3.playground.blackbox.bb2)
;; v1: No considera el hecho de que hay combinaciones de Rubik imposibles.
(def v1-rubik-base (flatten (map (partial repeat 9) (range 6))))
(defn v1-generar-cubo-rubik-aleatorio!
"Genera un arreglo de 54 casillas con 9 números repetidos cada uno 6
veces en un orden cualquiera"
jgomo3 / bb1.clj
Created July 25, 2022 19:48
Solución al ejercicio 1 de Blackbox
(ns jgomo3.playground.blackbox.bb1
(:require [java-time :as jt]))
(def bb-date-format "y-M-d")
(defn en-año
"Determina si `fecha` está en el año `año`."
[año fecha]
(= (jt/as fecha :year) año))
jgomo3 /
Last active March 3, 2022 22:37
A dummy MLLP server and an MLLP wrapper
# mllp-constantly-server port response
# Listen on port `port` for messages and response always the same content:
# whatever is in the `response` file.
# Supposing mllp-wrap to excecute the `` script in this gist.
while true; do mllp-wrap $2; done | nc -k -l $1
jgomo3 /
Created March 2, 2022 13:08
Backup in `backups` folder sufixing date
BCKP="backups/$PRJ_`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M`"
install -d $BCKP
rsync -av --progress $PRJ/ $BCKP/phmsrails --exclude log
jgomo3 / autossh-reverse-tunnel.service
Created June 8, 2021 01:29
AutoSSH reverse tunnel for allowing access
Description=AutoSSH reverse tunnel for allowing access here
ExecStart=/usr/bin/autossh -i /root/us-east-1.pem -M 0 -o "ServerAliveInterval 30" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" -NR [email protected]