Create an cluster with an existing vnet/subnet in your subscription
You need to set up an app access (service principal):
- Location: westus
- ResourceGroup: jgreat-network
- Vnet: jgreat-vnet
- Subnet: k8s-demo1
Select the Microsoft Azure Provider Name: jgreat-k8s-demo1
Optional: Enable Azure Cloud Provider
- aadClientId:
your service principal is
- aadClientSecret:
your service principal secret
- location:
same as your vnet
westus - resouceGroup:
same as your cluster rg
jgreat-k8s-demo1 - subnetName: k8s-demo1
- subscriptionId:
your subscription id
- tenantId:
your tenant Id
- vnetName: jgreat-vnet
- vnetResourceGroup: jgreat-network
- enviornment: AzurePublicCloud
- region: West US
- Avaliblity Set: jgreat-k8s-demo1
- Resource Group: jgreat-k8s-demo1
- subnet: k8s-demo1
- subnet prefix:
- Vnet: jgreat-network:jgreat-vnet
- PublicIp: Dynamic
- PrivateIp:
- Image: canonical:UbuntuServer:16.04.0-LTS:latest
- Size: Standard_DS2_v2
- DockerPort: 2379
- OpenPort: 6443/tcp,2379/tcp,2380/tcp,8472/udp,4789/udp,10256/tcp,10250/tcp,10251/tcp,10252/tcp,80/tcp,443/tcp,6379/tcp
- SSH User: ubuntu
- Storage: Premium LRS