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Created September 16, 2015 05:46
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Experimenting with flatMap, concat and buffer in RxJava.
import rx.Observable
import rx.functions.Func1
import rx.functions.Action1
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
def range = new IntRange(5, 0)
range.each { println it}
println "from and toList"
List<Integer> numbers = Observable.from(range).flatMap({ i ->
return Observable.just(i).delay(i, TimeUnit.SECONDS).doOnNext({ n ->
println "Done with ${n}"
} as Action1)
} as Func1).toList().toBlocking().first()
println "Done with ${numbers}"
println "from, concat, toList"
numbers = Observable.concat(Observable.from(range).map({ i ->
return Observable.just(i).delay(i, TimeUnit.SECONDS).doOnNext({ n ->
println "Done with ${n}"
} as Action1)
} as Func1)).toList().toBlocking().first()
println "Done with ${numbers}"
println "buffer 2"
numbers = Observable.from(range).buffer(2).flatMap({ window ->
// Taking first item from window as delay
int delay = window[0]
return Observable.just(window).delay(delay, TimeUnit.SECONDS).doOnNext({ n ->
println "Done with ${n}"
} as Action1)
} as Func1).toList().toBlocking().first()
println "Done with ${numbers}"
println "buffer 2 with concat"
numbers = Observable.concat(Observable.from(range).buffer(2).map({ window ->
// Taking first item from window as delay
int delay = window[0]
return Observable.just(window).delay(delay, TimeUnit.SECONDS).doOnNext({ n ->
println "Done with ${n}"
} as Action1)
} as Func1)).toList().toBlocking().first()
println "Done with ${numbers}"
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