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Forked from surma/staleWhileRevalidate.js
Created October 22, 2016 17:12
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// Implements stale-while-revalidate
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
const cached = caches.match(event.request);
const fetched = fetch(event.request);
// Call respondWith() with whatever we get first.
// If the fetch fails (e.g disconnected), wait for the cache.
// If there’s nothing in cache, wait for the fetch.
// If neither yields a response, return a 404.
Promise.race([fetched.catch(_ => cached), cached])
.then(resp => resp || fetched)
.catch(_ => new Response(null, {status: 404}))
// Update the cache with the version we fetched
.then(([response, cache]) => cache.put(event.request, response))
.catch(_ => {/* eat any errors */})
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