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Created March 17, 2022 16:27
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Sitemap Generator for Django Pattern Library Pages
# Please adapt the file paths according to your project conventions.
import glob
import re
base_url = "http://localhost:8000/pattern-library/render-pattern/patterns"
# /render-pattern/ loads the pattern in full page view without the pattern library UI
pattern_libray_pages = glob.glob('**/patterns/pages/**/*.html', recursive=True)
sitemap = """<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<urlset xmlns=""
for html_file in pattern_libray_pages:
# removes all characters in the file path up to and including "patterns"
url = base_url + re.sub(r'^.*?patterns', '', html_file)
sitemap += " <url>\n <loc>"
sitemap += url
sitemap += "</loc>\n </url>\n\n"
sitemap += "</urlset>"
f = open("sitemap.xml", "w")
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