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Last active December 17, 2015 10:39
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Semantic alternative to Chris's excellent grid demo at CSS-Tricks :
A very basic semantic Less grid system using padding.
Based on Chris Coyier's excellent grid demo at CSS-Tricks :
// Default grid padding, change to override
@gridpad: 2em;
// Set box-sizing: border-box on all elements
:after {
// Add this to grid containers and nested grid containers
.grid() {
// Optional mixin to add padding to parent - can probably remove this and add on per-use basis
.grid-pad() {
padding: @gridpad;
/* Add this to a grid item
@num: number of columns to cover
@of: total number of columns
@pad: padding for column
@last: padding for last column
@float: direction to float columns
.col(3,5) will give a grid item of 60% width
.col(1,4, )
.col(@num: 1; @of: 1; @pad: @gridpad; @last: 0; @float: left;) {
float: @float;
width: percentage( round( (@num/@of), 4 ) );
padding-right: @pad;
&:last-child, &.last-child {
padding-right: @last;
// Testing push and pull grid items. Works only to move grid items, not to move in flow with other grid items
/* Add this to a grid item to move left or right
@offset: columns to move
@of: total number of columns
.push(@offset:1; @of:1) {
margin-left: (@offset/@of)*100%
.pull(@offset:1; @of:1) {
margin-right: (@offset/@of)*100%
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