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Forked from anonymous/too many selectors
Last active December 10, 2015 19:08
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.search-wrapper input:focus + button.btn.btn-no-bg i.icons-search
.search-wrapper button:hover i.icons-search
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Mixins are slightly modified from Benjamin Doherty's first implementations:
rgba-background mixin can now be passed an option $dir variable
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#form-type-overdue-list .analytics-header-list {
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#form-type-overdue-list .analytics-list {
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#form-type-overdue-list .analytics-list > li .analytics-list-companies-name {
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#form-type-overdue-list .analytics-list > li .analytics-list-form-type > div > div {
#form-type-overdue-list .analytics-list > li .analytics-list-form-type > div .image-wrapper {
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#form-type-overdue-list .analytics-list > li .analytics-list-performed-time strong {
#form-type-overdue-list .analytics-list.selectable > li:hover {
.analytics-performance-time-chart {
#last-form-by-account-list tr:first-child td {
#last-form-by-account-list tr:first-child td + td {
#last-form-by-account-list tr:first-child td + td + td {
#last-form-by-account-list tr:first-child td + td + td + td {
#productivity-stats {
#productivity-stats .sub-title {
#productivity-stats #form-types-pie-by-user {
#productivity-stats #productivity-links {
#productivity-stats #forms-completed-by-user {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .user-productivity-row
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .module-list-header > li
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .user-productivity-row
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .module-list-header > li {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .user-productivity-row > div
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .module-list-header > li > div
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .user-productivity-row > div
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .module-list-header > li > div {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .user-productivity-row > div:first-child
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .module-list-header > li > div:first-child
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .user-productivity-row > div:first-child
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .module-list-header > li > div:first-child {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .user-productivity-row > div:first-child + div
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .module-list-header > li > div:first-child + div
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .user-productivity-row > div:first-child + div
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .module-list-header > li > div:first-child + div {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .user-productivity-row > div:first-child + div + div
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#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .user-productivity-row > div:first-child + div + div
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .module-list-header > li > div:first-child + div + div {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .user-productivity-row > div:first-child + div + div + div
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#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .user-productivity-row > div:first-child + div + div + div
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .module-list-header > li > div:first-child + div + div + div {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .user-productivity-row > div:first-child + div + div + div > div
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .module-list-header > li > div:first-child + div + div + div > div
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .user-productivity-row > div:first-child + div + div + div > div
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .module-list-header > li > div:first-child + div + div + div > div {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .user-productivity-row > div:first-child + div + div + div > div .BoldLine
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .module-list-header > li > div:first-child + div + div + div > div .BoldLine
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .user-productivity-row > div:first-child + div + div + div > div .BoldLine
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .module-list-header > li > div:first-child + div + div + div > div .BoldLine {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .user-productivity-row > div > div
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .module-list-header > li > div > div
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .user-productivity-row > div > div
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .module-list-header > li > div > div {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .module-list-header.sortable > li.user-productivity-row > div:hover > div
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .module-list-header.sortable > li.user-productivity-row > div:hover > div {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .module-list-header.sortable > li.user-productivity-row >
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .module-list-header.sortable > li.user-productivity-row > {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .module-list-header.sortable > li.user-productivity-row > > div
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .module-list-header.sortable > li.user-productivity-row > > div {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .module-list-header.sortable > li.user-productivity-row >
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .module-list-header.sortable > li.user-productivity-row > {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .module-list-header.sortable > li.user-productivity-row > > div
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .module-list-header.sortable > li.user-productivity-row > > div {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .module-list-header.sortable > li.user-productivity-row >
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .module-list-header.sortable > li.user-productivity-row > {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .module-list-header.sortable > li.user-productivity-row > > div
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .module-list-header.sortable > li.user-productivity-row > > div {
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#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .module-list-header.sortable > li.user-productivity-row > div.noSort:hover > div {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .module-list-header > li
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .module-list-header > li {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .user-productivity-row
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .user-productivity-row {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .user-productivity-row:hover
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .user-productivity-row:hover {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-by-user .user-productivity-row > div > div
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .user-productivity-row > div > div {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me {
#productivity-stats .user-productivity-row {
#productivity-stats .user-productivity-row > div > div {
#productivity-stats #productivity-list-of-me .user-productivity-row {
#productivity-stats .forms-completed-circle {
#productivity-stats .forms-completed-thermometer {
#productivity-stats .icons-user {
#form-types-pie-chart {
#form-daily-line-chart {
#analytics-dashboard {
#analytics-dashboard #overview-links-container {
#analytics-dashboard #overview-companies-with-priorities {
#analytics-dashboard .chart-title {
#analytics-dashboard li > .chart-title {
#analytics-dashboard #company-priorities-bar-chart {
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#analytics-dashboard #company-priority-list tr th:first-child + th + th {
#analytics-dashboard #company-priority-list tr th:first-child + th + th + th {
#analytics-dashboard #company-priority-list tr th:first-child + th + th + th + th {
#analytics-dashboard #company-priority-list tr th:first-child + th + th + th + th + th {
#analytics-dashboard #company-priority-list tr td:first-child > div > span.BoldLine {
#analytics-dashboard .btn-export i {
#analytics-dashboard #panel-region {
#reports-list table tr th:first-child {
#reports-list table tr th:first-child + th {
#reports-list table tr th:first-child + th + th {
#reports-list table tr td {
#reports-list table tr .report-type {
#reports-list table tr i {
#show-report {
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#show-report .parameter-box > div .k-picker-wrap
#show-report .parameter-box > div .k-numeric-wrap
#show-report .parameter-box > div .k-dropdown-wrap {
#show-report .parameter-box > div label {
.class-tree-list {
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.class-tree-list > li .class-tree-content:hover {
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.class-tree-list > li .class-tree-content input[type="checkbox"] {
.class-tree-list > li .class-tree-content .image-wrapper {
.class-tree-list > li .class-tree-content .number-of-forms {
.class-tree-list > li:first-child {
.class-tree-list > li:last-child {
.form-tree-list {
.form-tree-list li {
.form-tree-list li input[type="checkbox"] {
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#asset-search-list tr th:first-child + th + th {
#asset-search-list tr th:first-child + th + th + th {
#asset-search-list tr th:first-child + th + th + th + th {
#asset-search-list tr th:first-child + th + th + th + th + th {
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#asset-search-list tr .asset-description {
#asset-search-list tr .asset-data-bolded {
#asset-search-list tr .icons-location-small {
#asset-show {
#asset-show-details {
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#asset-show-details .asset-details .asset-detail h4 {
#asset-show-details .asset-details .asset-detail i {
#asset-show-details .asset-main-detail {
#asset-show-details .asset-main-detail > div {
#asset-attribute-wrapper {
#asset-attribute-list {
#asset-attribute-list .half {
#asset-attribute-list .half.pull-right {
#asset-attribute-list .module-list-content > li {
#asset-attribute-list .module-list-content > li > div {
#asset-attribute-list .module-list-content > li > div:first-child {
#asset-attribute-list .module-list-content > li > div:first-child + div {
.asset-description-title {
#asset-details-region {
#categories-list-layout #categories-list-region > ul > li {
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#categories-list-layout #categories-list-region .module .icons-collapse
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#categories-list-layout #categories-list-region .module .category-name {
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#categories-list-layout #categories-list-region .class-list > li:first-child {
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#categories-list-layout #categories-list-region .class-list > li > div > div {
#categories-list-layout #categories-list-region .class-list > li > div:first-child {
#categories-list-layout #categories-list-region .class-list > li > div:first-child > div {
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#categories-list-layout #categories-list-region .class-list > li > div:first-child + div + div {
#categories-list-layout #categories-list-region .class-list > li > div:first-child + div + div + div {
#categories-list-layout #categories-list-region .class-list > li > div:first-child + div + div + div i {
#class-show #details-region {
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#class-show .SectionTitle {
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#class-show .breadcrumbWrapper {
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#class-show .class-title-wrapper h4
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#class-show .class-title {
#class-show .class-title h3 {
#class-show .class-title h3 span {
#class-show .class-title h3 button {
#class-show #eventtypes-list-table tr th:first-child {
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#class-show #eventtypes-list-table tr i.icons-asset-small:hover {
#class-show #eventtypes-list-table tr i.icons-form-small:hover {
#class-show #eventtypes-list-table tr .icons-publish-grey {
#list-class-attributes th:first-child {
#list-class-attributes th:first-child + th {
#list-class-attributes th:first-child + th + th {
#list-class-attributes th:first-child + th + th + th {
#list-class-attributes th:first-child + th + th + th + th {
#list-class-attributes th:first-child + th + th + th + th + th {
#list-class-attributes th:first-child + th + th + th + th + th + th {
#asset-settings {
#asset-settings > div {
#asset-settings .module {
#asset-settings .ListWell {
#asset-settings .ListWell > li > div > div {
#asset-settings .ListWell > li > div > div:last-child {
#attribute-options-list th:first-child
#attribute-uoms-list th:first-child {
#attribute-options-list th:first-child + th
#attribute-uoms-list th:first-child + th {
#attribute-options-list th:first-child + th + th
#attribute-uoms-list th:first-child + th + th {
#CompanySettings .ListWell {
#CompanySettings .ListWell > li > div {
#CompanySettings .ListWell > li > div > div {
#CompanySettings .ListWell > li > div > div:first-child {
#CompanySettings .ListWell > li > div > div:first-child + div {
#CompanySettings .ListWell > li > div > div:first-child + div + div {
#company-show #two-column-content-wrapper {
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#company-show #company-details-container #company-details .dl-horizontal dd {
#company-show #company-details-container #company-details .dl-horizontal dt {
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#company-show #company-forms-priority-list tr th:first-child + th + th + th {
#company-show #company-forms-priority-list tr th:first-child + th + th + th + th {
#company-show #company-forms-priority-list tr th:first-child + th + th + th + th + th {
#company-show #company-forms-priority-list tr th:first-child + th + th + th + th + th + th {
#company-show #company-forms-priority-list tr th:first-child + th + th + th + th + th + th + th {
#company-show #company-forms-priority-list tr .image-wrapper {
#company-show #company-forms-priority-list tr .btn-mini {
#company-show #grid-region {
#company-show #current-priorities-pie-chart
#company-show #current-priorities-column-chart {
#company-show #activity-links {
#company-show #forms-completed-line-chart {
#company-show #activity-picker-region {
#company-show #locations-with-activity-list {
#company-show #locations-with-activity-list #geo-chart-container {
#company-show #locations-with-activity-list .module ul {
#company-show #locations-with-activity-list .module ul > li {
#company-show #locations-with-activity-list .module ul > li > a {
#company-show #locations-with-activity-list .module ul > li > a:hover {
#company-show #locations-with-activity-list .module ul > li > a i {
#company-show #locations-with-activity-list .module ul > li > div {
#company-show #users-with-activity-list {
#company-show #users-with-activity-list .module-list-content > li {
#company-show #users-with-activity-list i {
#company-show #pie-chart-container {
#company-show #line-chart-container {
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.new-points-list > li > a div.pointDes
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.new-points-list .pointBarcode:hover i {
.new-points-list .pointSketch:hover i {
.new-points-list .pointSignature:hover i {
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#form-builder .point-question .icons-barcode {
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#form-builder .iPhoneRows .ConditionText {
#form-builder .iPhoneRows .ConditionText .LabelText {
#form-builder .iPhoneRows .ConditionScore {
#form-builder .iPhoneRows .PriorityGrade {
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#form-builder .ListWell .form-options
#form-builder .ListWell .point-number .point-content
#form-builder .ListWell .point-number .point-question
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#form-builder .inputLabeled .SketchPlaceholder {
.editPointContentRegion .controls {
.list-condition-template-options {
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#list-condition-templates tr th:first-child + th {
#list-condition-templates tr th:first-child + th + th {
#list-condition-templates tr th:first-child + th + th + th {
#list-condition-templates tr th:first-child + th + th + th + th {
#new-edit-condition-template tr th:first-child {
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.dialog-edit-class-default-fields {
#list-point-files tr th:first-child {
#list-point-files tr th:first-child + th {
#list-point-files tr th:first-child + th + th {
#list-point-files tr th:first-child + th + th + th {
#list-point-files tr th:first-child + th + th + th + th {
#list-point-files tr .icons-file {
#edit-point-uoms tr th:first-child {
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#edit-point-uoms tr th:first-child + th + th {
.listConditionTemplateOptions {
.conditionTemplatesDialog {
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[id*="Color-list"] {
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.JobsWrapper .table-fixed tr th:first-child {
.JobsWrapper .table-fixed tr th:first-child + th {
.JobsWrapper .table-fixed tr th:first-child + th + th {
.JobsWrapper .table-fixed tr th:first-child + th + th + th {
.JobsWrapper .table-fixed tr th:first-child + th + th + th + th {
.JobsWrapper .table-fixed tr th:first-child + th + th + th + th + th {
.IndentButton {
.control-group + .AutoGenerate {
.AutoGenerate {
.AutoGenerate > span {
.AutoGenerate > span > label {
.AutoGenerate > span > input {
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#ChooseFormsTable tr .control-group .controls {
#ChooseFormsTable tr td:first-child + td + td + td > div {
#ChooseFormsTable i {
#ChooseFormsTable {
#select_company {
[id*="class_select-list"] {
[id^="class_select-list"] .k-item
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[id^="class_select-list"] .k-item > div
[id*="class_select-list"] .k-item > div {
[id^="class_select-list"] .k-item > div:last-child
[id*="class_select-list"] .k-item > div:last-child {
.AutoGenerate label {
[id*="category_select-list"] {
.assign_assignments_dialog {
#assets_count {
.UsersDispatch {
.UsersDispatch .table {
.UsersDispatch .table tr th:first-child {
.UsersDispatch .table tr th:first-child + th {
.UsersDispatch .table tr th:first-child + th + th {
.UsersDispatch .table tr th:first-child + th + th + th {
.UsersDispatch .table tr th:first-child + th + th + th + th {
.UsersDispatch .table tr .user_select {
.UsersDispatch .table tr textarea {
.UsersDispatch .table i {
#folder-show {
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#folder-details-tab > button {
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.folder-detail {
.folder-detail > h4 {
.folder-detail > div {
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#forms-in-folder-table tr th:first-child {
#forms-in-folder-table tr th:first-child + th {
#forms-in-folder-table tr th:first-child + th + th {
#forms-in-folder-table tr th:first-child + th + th + th {
#forms-in-folder-table tr th:first-child + th + th + th + th {
#forms-in-folder-table tr th:first-child + th + th + th + th + th {
#forms-in-folder-table tr th:first-child + th + th + th + th + th + th {
#forms-in-folder-table tr th:first-child + th + th + th + th + th + th + th {
#points-list-region {
#folder-region {
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#folder-region > div > .pull-left .form-titles-container .form-title {
#folder-region > div > .pull-left .form-titles-container i {
#folder-region .pull-right {
#folder-region .pull-right i {
#filter-region {
.aside-filters {
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.aside-filters .btn-group > .btn:hover {
.aside-filters .btn-group > {
.aside-filters .btn-group > {
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.aside-filters #other-filters > li label {
.aside-filters #other-filters > li label > input {
.aside-filters #other-filters > li label > span {
.aside-filters #other-filters .label-resolved
.aside-filters #other-filters .label-unresolved {
.aside-filters .css-bar-chart {
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.aside-filters .css-bar-chart .color-container .color-wrapper {
.aside-filters .css-bar-chart .color-container .color-wrapper .color-bar {
.aside-filters .css-bar-chart .color-container:first-child > .color-wrapper > .color-bar {
.aside-filters .css-bar-chart .color-container:last-child > .color-wrapper > .color-bar {
#details-region {
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.form-asset-details .form-asset-details-content #asset-attribute-list {
.form-asset-details .form-asset-details-content .image-wrapper {
#form-review-wrapper {
.controls-wrapper.form-review-controls {
.controls-wrapper.form-review-controls .btn.btn-no-bg {
.controls-wrapper.form-review-controls .btn.btn-no-bg:hover {
.accordian-list {
.accordian-list i {
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.accordian-list .point-heading-row > div {
.accordian-list .point-heading-row > div.accordian-icon {
.accordian-list .point-heading-row > div.accordian-icon > div {
.accordian-list .point-heading-row > div.accordian-icon > div i {
.accordian-list .point-heading-row .point-heading-title {
.accordian-list .point-heading-row .point-heading-title > div {
.accordian-list .point-heading-row .point-heading-count {
.accordian-list .point-heading-row .point-heading-count > div {
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.accordian-list .list-points > li > div:first-child + div {
.accordian-list .list-points > li > div:first-child + div.points-list-title
.point-number-and-title {
.accordian-list .list-points > li > div:first-child + div + div {
.accordian-list .list-points > li > div:first-child + div + div > div {
.accordian-list .list-points > li > div:first-child + div + div + div {
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.accordian-list .list-points.list-striped > li:nth-child(even) {
.accordian-list .list-points.list-selectable > li:hover {
.accordian-list .list-points .icon-priority-container > i {
.label-unresolved {
.label-resolved {
.label-resolved .ca-date {
.label-resolved i {
.label-unresolved {
#resolved-buttons .btn.label-resolved
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#resolve-priorities-modal {
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#resolve-priorities-modal .resolve-actions {
#resolve-priorities-table {
#resolve-priorities-table tr th:first-child {
#resolve-priorities-table tr th:first-child + th {
#resolve-priorities-table tr th:first-child + th + th {
#resolve-priorities-table tr th:first-child + th + th + th {
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#resolve-priorities-table .btn-no-bg {
#resolve-priorities-table .BoldLine {
#resolve-priorities-table textarea {
#resolve-priorities-table input[type=checkbox] {
#resolve-priorities-table .icons-point-single {
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#share-form-modal .controls input[type="text"]
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#share-form-modal .help-block {
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#point-preview-modal .point-preview-content .point-preview-priority-list > ul > li i {
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#asset-item-events-list table th:first-child + th {
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#asset-item-events-list table th:first-child + th + th + th + th + th {
#asset-item-events-list table th:first-child + th + th + th + th + th + th {
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#my-profile .profile-badge .user-wrapper
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#my-profile .profile-badge .user-wrapper {
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#my-profile .profile-badge .profile-badge-text .my-profile-name {
#my-profile .profile-badge .profile-badge-links .btn-no-bg {
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#FolderList th:first-child + th {
#FolderList th:first-child + th + th {
#FolderList th:first-child + th + th + th {
#FolderList th:first-child + th + th + th + th {
#FolderList th:first-child + th + th + th + th + th {
#FolderList th:first-child + th + th + th + th + th + th {
#FolderList th:first-child + th + th + th + th + th + th + th {
#FolderList .icons-checkbox {
#FolderList .close-folder-btn {
#FolderList .label-success {
#FolderList .label-success + div {
#FolderList .icons-download {
#company-list th:first-child {
#company-list th:first-child + th {
#company-list th:first-child + th + th {
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#company-list th:first-child + th + th + th + th {
#company-list th:first-child + th + th + th + th + th {
.logo-container {
.logo-container img {
#item-statuses-list-region th:first-child {
#item-statuses-list-region th:first-child + th {
#item-statuses-list-region i {
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#folder-categories-list.ListWell > li > div {
#folder-categories-list.ListWell > li > div:first-child {
#folder-categories-list.ListWell > li > div:first-child > div {
#folder-categories-list.ListWell > li > div:first-child + div {
#folder-categories-list.ListWell > li > div:first-child + div + div {
#folder-categories-list.ListWell > li > div > div {
#folder-categories-list.ListWell > li .icons-team-tiny {
#folder-type-categories-list-region > div > .module {
#default-forms-list {
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#default-forms-list > li > div {
#default-forms-list > li > div:first-child {
#default-forms-list > li > div:first-child + div {
#default-forms-list > li > div > div {
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#teams-list-layout .icons-team {
#team-show .ListWell > li > div > div {
#team-show .ListWell > li > div > div input[type="checkbox"] {
#team-show #list-region i {
#team-show #team-companies-list > li > div > div:first-child {
#team-show #team-companies-list > li > div > div:first-child + div {
#team-show .module > .ListWell > li > div {
#team-show #team-forms-list .image-wrapper-mini {
#team-show #team-tabs-region {
#team-show #team-tabs-region #delete-team-wrapper {
#team-customers-list th:first-child {
#team-customers-list th:first-child + th {
#team-customers-list th:first-child + th + th {
.fileinput-button {
.fileinput-button input {
.fileinput-link {
.fileinput-link:hover {
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#FilesContainer li > div {
#FilesContainer li > div .size {
#FilesContainer li > a {
#FilesContainer li .alert {
#FilesContainer li.success {
#FilesContainer li.error {
#ErrorConfirmation {
#ErrorConfirmation button {
#upload-wrapper {
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.profile-details .links-list .links-list-num {
.profile-details .links-list .links-list-num .icons-team-tiny {
.profile-details .links-list .role-links-list {
.profile-details .links-list .italic {
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#users-list-layout table th:first-child + th {
#users-list-layout table th:first-child + th + th {
#users-list-layout table th:first-child + th + th + th {
#users-list-layout .user-role-column {
#users-list-layout .user-role-column > div {
#users-list-layout .user-role-column > div:first-child {
#users-list-layout .user-role-column > div:last-child {
#users-list-layout .user-role-column .BoldLine {
#users-list-layout .role-links {
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.resend-login-modal {
.resend-login-modal .resend-login-preview {
.resend-login-modal .resend-login-preview .image-wrapper {
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#user-profile h3 i {
#user-profile h3 span {
#user-profile .icons-mail {
#user-profile .icons-edit-tiny-white {
#number-selected-users {
#users-selectable-list th:first-child {
#users-selectable-list th:first-child + th {
#users-selectable-list th:first-child + th + th {
#users-selectable-list th:first-child + th + th + th {
#users-selectable-list input[type=checkbox] {
#users-new-layout .controls > input[type=checkbox]
#users-new-layout .controls > input[type=radio] {
#password_options_toggle {
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only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) and (device-width: 800px) {
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.search-wrapper .btn.btn-no-bg {
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