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Joerg Hochwald jhochwald

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jhochwald / IntuneDetection.ps1
Created June 2, 2024 14:19
Block the Quick Assist Binary
# Intune Detection
if (!(Get-DnsClientNrptRule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object -FilterScript {
($_.Namespace -eq '')
Write-Host -Object 'Namespace entry was not found'
exit 1
jhochwald / Set-TeamsAudioVideoPermissionInBrowser.ps1
Created March 31, 2023 10:04
Allow the Teams Web App to access cam and microphone automatically
Allow the Teams Web App to access cam and microphone automatically
Allow the Teams Web App to access cam and microphone automatically,
we support Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome and the Brave browser
PS C:\> .\Set-TeamsAudioVideoPermissionInBrowser.ps1
jhochwald / Setup-MSCommerceProductPolicies.ps1
Last active February 27, 2023 10:36
Configure "Self-Service Purchase" within a Microsoft 365 tenant - Related to MC516356
#requires -Version 2.0 -Modules MSCommerce
Configure "self-service trial of Viva Goals" within a tenant
Configure "self-service trial of Viva Goals" within a Microsoft 365 tenant
PS C:\> .\Setup-MSCommerceProductPolicies.ps1
jhochwald / Invoke-CleanupTestVM.ps1
Created February 11, 2023 16:57
Clean-up my test VM for further testing
#requires -Version 2.0
Clean-up my test VM for further testing
Clean-up my test VM for further testing
Very simple, but brutal, clean-up script!
jhochwald /
Last active February 14, 2025 15:14
Install the PowerShell 7.3.8 binary release on a Debian ARM64 Linux box, or Debian ARM64 based WSL. There is no DEB package, yet!
# install the dependencies
apt install libc6 libgcc1 libgssapi-krb5-2 libicu72 libssl1.1 libstdc++6 zlib1g -y
# Get the .NET install script
wget -O
# Make it executable
chmod +x ./
# Install the .NET SDK 7.0 (STS) for ARM64
jhochwald / FileSpeedTest.ps1
Created January 26, 2023 19:31
File I/O Speed-Testing - compare native .NET vs. native Powershell (Just an example)
#requires -Version 3.0
File I/O Speed-Testing
File I/O Speed-Testing
jhochwald / windows_hardening.cmd
Created November 27, 2022 19:47 — forked from mackwage/windows_hardening.cmd
Script to perform some hardening of Windows OS
:: Windows 10 Hardening Script
:: This is based mostly on my own personal research and testing. My objective is to secure/harden Windows 10 as much as possible while not impacting usability at all. (Think being able to run on this computer's of family members so secure them but not increase the chances of them having to call you to troubleshoot something related to it later on). References for virtually all settings can be found at the bottom. Just before the references section, you will always find several security settings commented out as they could lead to compatibility issues in common consumer setups but they're worth considering.
:: Obligatory 'views are my own'. :)
:: Thank you @jaredhaight for the Win Firewall config recommendations!
:: Thank you @ricardojba for the DLL Safe Order Search reg key!
:: Thank you @jessicaknotts for the help on testing Exploit Guard configs and checking privacy settings!
:: Best script I've found for Debloating Windows 10:
jhochwald / Windows Defender Exclusions VS 2022.ps1
Last active November 21, 2022 13:20 — forked from Braytiner/Windows Defender Exclusions VS 2022.ps1
Adds Windows Defender exclusions for Visual Studio 2022
$pathExclusions = (New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList)
$processExclusions = (New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList)
$null = $pathExclusions.Add($env:windir + '\Microsoft.NET')
$null = $pathExclusions.Add($env:windir + '\assembly')
#$null = $pathExclusions.Add($env:USERPROFILE + '\Downloads\HeidiSQL_11.3_64_Portable')
$null = $pathExclusions.Add($env:USERPROFILE + '\.dotnet')
$null = $pathExclusions.Add($env:USERPROFILE + '\.nuget')
jhochwald / ModuleFast.ps1
Last active November 10, 2022 19:43 — forked from JustinGrote/ModuleFast.ps1
A high performance Powershell Gallery Module Installer
#requires -version 4.0
High Performance Powershell Module Installation
This is a proof of concept for using the Powershell Gallery OData API and HTTPClient to parallel install packages
It is also a demonstration of using async tasks in powershell appropriately. Who says powershell can't be fast?
This drastically reduces the bandwidth/load against Powershell Gallery by only requesting the required data
Scan for CVE-2022-3602 vulnerable versions of OpenSSL
Scan for CVE-2022-3602 vulnerable versions of OpenSSL
Scan for all versions or just for vulnerable versions of OpenSSL