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Created October 25, 2021 15:14
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Example code for using a dataframe to access USEPA WATERS API. Shows two iteration examples: purrr and for loop.
# The API requires a key and has a 1000 request/hour limit
# Get Key from
# Save key in r environ
# Add DATAGOV_KEY=YOURKEYGOESHERE to the file. Save and restart R
dg_key <- Sys.getenv("DATAGOV_KEY")
# Example dataframe with coords as x, y columns
xdf <- data.frame(id = c("A","B"), x = c(-87.941093, -87.93053627014162), y = c(42.544354, 42.529982254508425), numeric_id = 1:2)
# Function that accepts a one row data frame, builds WATERS API URL, gets result
# and returns COMID. It assumes 4 columns named id, x, y, and numeric_id.
my_fun <- function(df, key){
#API limits to 1000 requests/hour
base_url <- ""
end_url <- "%29&pPointIndexingMethod=RAINDROP&pOutputPathFlag=TRUE&pReturnFlowlineGeomFlag=TRUE&f=json&api_key="
url <- paste0(base_url, df$x, "%20", df$y, end_url, key)
response <- jsonlite::read_json(url, flatten = TRUE)
# Simple way to see progress, better solutions but this is easy
cat("\r", paste(df$numeric_id))
# purrr solution
comids_purrr <- purrr::map2_chr(split(xdf, xdf$id), dg_key, my_fun)
xdf_purrr <- mutate(xdf, comids = comids_purrr)
# for loop solution
# preallocate object/memory
comids_loop <- vector("character", nrow(xdf))
for(i in seq_along(comids_loop)){
comids_loop[i] <- my_fun(xdf[i,], key = dg_key)
xdf_loop <- mutate(xdf, comids = comids_loop)
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