I hereby claim:
- I am jhorman on github.
- I am jhorman (https://keybase.io/jhorman) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 2A09 5F8E 34F5 2DCC DB20 F8AF FAC7 EEDF 468C D5D2
To claim this, I am signing this object:
from __future__ import absolute_import | |
import functools | |
from aplus import Promise | |
class PPromise(Promise): | |
def __init__(self, pipeline): | |
Promise.__init__(self) | |
self.pipeline = pipeline |
#!/bin/bash | |
QUEUE= | |
echo "starting amazon sqs worker for queue $QUEUE" | |
while true | |
do | |
MESSAGE=`aws sqs receive-message --wait-time-seconds=1 --visibility-timeout=600 --queue-url=$QUEUE` | |
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
from __future__ import absolute_import | |
import signal | |
import gevent | |
import gevent.pool | |
from rq import Worker | |
from rq.timeouts import BaseDeathPenalty, JobTimeoutException | |
from rq.worker import StopRequested, green, blue | |
from rq.exceptions import DequeueTimeout |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
from __future__ import absolute_import | |
from time import time, sleep | |
import uuid | |
class RedisSemaphore(object): | |
""" | |
Redis base semaphore. Supports timeouts of semaphore locks. | |
""" |
# Git prompt | |
export PS1='\w\[\033[01;33m\]$(__git_ps1)\[\033[00m\] \$ ' | |
# less syntax highlighting | |
# brew install source-highlight | |
export LESSOPEN="| src-hilite-lesspipe.sh %s" | |
export LESS=' -R ' |
/////////////////////////// | |
/////////////////////////// | |
/*global define*/ | |
define([ | |
'lodash.noconflict' | |
], function (_) { | |
'use strict'; | |
function Rules(options) { |
git config --global alias.find "!gf() { git log -G \"\$1\" --pretty=\"format:%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset\" --abbrev-commit --date=relative; }; gf" |
# http://mojodna.net/2009/08/21/exploring-oauth-protected-apis.html | |
easy_install oauth-proxy | |
sudo gem install oauth | |
oauth --consumer-key XXXXX --consumer-secret XXXXX --access-token-url http://springpadit.com/api/oauth-access-token --authorize-url http://springpadit.com/api/oauth-authorize --request-token-url http://springpadit.com/api/oauth-request-token authorize | |
oauth-proxy --consumer-key XXXXX --consumer-secret XXXXX -p 8001 |
body { font: normal x-small verdana !important; } | |
.link { margin-bottom: 4px !important; } | |
.link .title { font: normal 10pt verdana !important; } | |
.link .flat-list { padding: 0px !important; } | |
.tagline { font: normal 7pt verdana !important; display:none !important; } | |
.link .rank { display: none; } | |
.sitetable { padding: 10px !important; margin-top: 30px !important; margin-left: 100px !important; margin-right: 100px !important; background-color: #F6F6EF } | |
.side { display: none; } | |
a:link { color: black !important; text-decoration: none !important;} | |
a:visited {color: #828282 !important;} |