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Last active August 9, 2021 18:44
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Tipos de colunas aceitas pelo Eloquent Laravel 5.5
$table->bigIncrements('id'); Auto-incrementing UNSIGNED BIGINT (primary key) equivalent column.
$table->bigInteger('votes'); BIGINT equivalent column.
$table->binary('data'); BLOB equivalent column.
$table->boolean('confirmed'); BOOLEAN equivalent column.
$table->char('name', 100); CHAR equivalent column with an optional length.
$table->date('created_at'); DATE equivalent column.
$table->dateTime('created_at'); DATETIME equivalent column.
$table->dateTimeTz('created_at'); DATETIME (with timezone) equivalent column.
$table->decimal('amount', 8, 2); DECIMAL equivalent column with a precision (total digits) and scale (decimal digits).
$table->double('amount', 8, 2); DOUBLE equivalent column with a precision (total digits) and scale (decimal digits).
$table->enum('level', ['easy', 'hard']); ENUM equivalent column.
$table->float('amount', 8, 2); FLOAT equivalent column with a precision (total digits) and scale (decimal digits).
$table->geometry('positions'); GEOMETRY equivalent column.
$table->geometryCollection('positions'); GEOMETRYCOLLECTION equivalent column.
$table->increments('id'); Auto-incrementing UNSIGNED INTEGER (primary key) equivalent column.
$table->integer('votes'); INTEGER equivalent column.
$table->ipAddress('visitor'); IP address equivalent column.
$table->json('options'); JSON equivalent column.
$table->jsonb('options'); JSONB equivalent column.
$table->lineString('positions'); LINESTRING equivalent column.
$table->longText('description'); LONGTEXT equivalent column.
$table->macAddress('device'); MAC address equivalent column.
$table->mediumIncrements('id'); Auto-incrementing UNSIGNED MEDIUMINT (primary key) equivalent column.
$table->mediumInteger('votes'); MEDIUMINT equivalent column.
$table->mediumText('description'); MEDIUMTEXT equivalent column.
$table->morphs('taggable'); Adds taggable_id UNSIGNED BIGINT and taggable_type VARCHAR equivalent columns.
$table->multiLineString('positions'); MULTILINESTRING equivalent column.
$table->multiPoint('positions'); MULTIPOINT equivalent column.
$table->multiPolygon('positions'); MULTIPOLYGON equivalent column.
$table->nullableMorphs('taggable'); Adds nullable versions of morphs() columns.
$table->nullableTimestamps(); Alias of timestamps() method.
$table->point('position'); POINT equivalent column.
$table->polygon('positions'); POLYGON equivalent column.
$table->rememberToken(); Adds a nullable remember_token VARCHAR(100) equivalent column.
$table->smallIncrements('id'); Auto-incrementing UNSIGNED SMALLINT (primary key) equivalent column.
$table->smallInteger('votes'); SMALLINT equivalent column.
$table->softDeletes(); Adds a nullable deleted_at TIMESTAMP equivalent column for soft deletes.
$table->softDeletesTz(); Adds a nullable deleted_at TIMESTAMP (with timezone) equivalent column for soft deletes.
$table->string('name', 100); VARCHAR equivalent column with a optional length.
$table->text('description'); TEXT equivalent column.
$table->time('sunrise'); TIME equivalent column.
$table->timeTz('sunrise'); TIME (with timezone) equivalent column.
$table->timestamp('added_on'); TIMESTAMP equivalent column.
$table->timestampTz('added_on'); TIMESTAMP (with timezone) equivalent column.
$table->timestamps(); Adds nullable created_at and updated_at TIMESTAMP equivalent columns.
$table->timestampsTz(); Adds nullable created_at and updated_at TIMESTAMP (with timezone) equivalent columns.
$table->tinyIncrements('id'); Auto-incrementing UNSIGNED TINYINT (primary key) equivalent column.
$table->tinyInteger('votes'); TINYINT equivalent column.
$table->unsignedBigInteger('votes'); UNSIGNED BIGINT equivalent column.
$table->unsignedDecimal('amount', 8, 2); UNSIGNED DECIMAL equivalent column with a precision (total digits) and scale (decimal digits).
$table->unsignedInteger('votes'); UNSIGNED INTEGER equivalent column.
$table->unsignedMediumInteger('votes'); UNSIGNED MEDIUMINT equivalent column.
$table->unsignedSmallInteger('votes'); UNSIGNED SMALLINT equivalent column.
$table->unsignedTinyInteger('votes'); UNSIGNED TINYINT equivalent column.
$table->uuid('id'); UUID equivalent column.
$table->year('birth_year'); YEAR equivalent column.
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