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Last active November 9, 2021 07:49
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Run at most one async job per user
#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack script
--resolver lts-18.14
--package async,containers,say,stm
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TVar, atomically, modifyTVar, newTVarIO, readTVar)
import qualified Data.IntSet as Set
import Say (sayString)
main :: IO ()
main = do
userLocks <- newTVarIO Set.empty
runInBackgroundAtMostOncePerUser userLocks 1 (longRunningAction 1) -- Run
runInBackgroundAtMostOncePerUser userLocks 2 (longRunningAction 2) -- Run, because user 2 has no tasks running
runInBackgroundAtMostOncePerUser userLocks 1 (longRunningAction 1) -- Skipped because user 1 has task running
sleep 3
runInBackgroundAtMostOncePerUser userLocks 1 (longRunningAction 1) -- Run because user 1 has no tasks running
sleep 3
type UserId = Int
type UserLocks = TVar Set.IntSet
runInBackgroundAtMostOncePerUser :: UserLocks -> UserId -> IO () -> IO ()
runInBackgroundAtMostOncePerUser locks userId action = do
lockSuceeded <- tryLock locks userId
if lockSuceeded
then void . async
. withAsync action -- TODO is there a better way to run "finalization logic" (unlocking) than nesting 2 asyncs?
$ \a -> do
res <- waitCatch a -- TODO potentially do something with exception etc.
unlock locks userId
else sayString $ "Not running action for user " <> show userId <> " because it's already running"
-- Return True if lock for given user acquired suceeded
tryLock :: UserLocks -> UserId -> IO Bool
tryLock locks userId =
atomically $ do
userLocked <- Set.member userId <$> readTVar locks
if userLocked
then pure False
else modifyTVar locks (Set.insert userId) >> pure True
unlock :: UserLocks -> UserId -> IO ()
unlock locks userId =
atomically $ modifyTVar locks (Set.delete userId)
longRunningAction :: UserId -> IO ()
longRunningAction userId = do
sayString $ "Action started for user " <> show userId
sleep 2
sayString $ "Action finished for user " <> show userId
sleep :: Int -> IO ()
sleep seconds = threadDelay (seconds * 1000000)
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