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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Legacy http server with Hapi
// This file demonstrates my desire to hook a "legacy" http server into
// a Hapi route.
var http = require('http')
var legacy_server = http.createServer(legacy_handler)
function legacy_handler(request, response) {
response.end('I am a standard handler\n')
// Okay, great. Now suppose I want to hook this legacy application into a
// newer Hapi application, for example under a vhost or a /deprecated namespace.
var Hapi = require('hapi')
var server = new Hapi.Server(8080, "")
server.route({path:'/', method:'*', handler:hapi_handler})
function hapi_handler(request, reply) {
reply('I am a Hapi handler\n')
if (false)
// I want this. hapi_wrap() wraps the legacy server into a Hapi handler
// (hypothetically).
server.route({path:'/legacy', method:'*', handler:hapi_wrap(legacy_server)})
// But all I can do is this, function by function, handler by handler.
server.route({path:'/legacy', method:'*', handler:kludge_handler})
// This is sort-of what I want except I wish I did not need to know
// legacy server implementation and handler functions.
function kludge_handler(request, reply) {
var req = request.raw.req
var res = request.raw.res
legacy_handler(req, res)
$ # Hit the legacy server
$ curl localhost:8081
I am a standard handler
$ # Hit the Hapi server
$ curl localhost:8080
I am a Hapi handler
$ # Hit the legacy application via the Hapi server
$ curl localhost:8080/legacy
I am a standard handler
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Wrapping existing http dispatch function for use as a hapi handler is generally a bad idea. But if you must, add to your kludge_handler at the end: reply.close(false); so that hapi can finish handling the request without messing with you legacy logic (

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