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Created September 10, 2012 23:13
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Migrate domain from godaddy to aws route53 via boto (mostly)
import boto
from boto.route53.record import ResourceRecordSets
from collections import defaultdict
zone_name = ''
zone_id = "ZONEID-HERE"
conn = boto.connect_route53()
zone = conn.get_hosted_zone(zone_id)
supported = ['A', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'TXT', 'AAAA']
# rrsets = conn.get_all_rrsets(zone_id)
def parse_bfile(fname):
f = open(fname, 'r')
result = defaultdict(list)
res_key = ''
for line in f:
if line == '\n' or 'SOA' in line:
if line.startswith(';'):
res_key = line.replace('; ', '').replace(' Records', '').strip()
# print res_key
if res_key in supported:
return result
def add_change(rec_type, name, vals, ttl=60):
print("Adding record %s, %s" % (name, vals))
if name == '@':
name = ''
changes = ResourceRecordSets(conn, zone_id)
if name:
qual_name = '%s.%s' % (name, zone_name)
qual_name = zone_name
change = changes.add_change("CREATE", qual_name,
rec_type, ttl)
for val in vals:
if val == '@':
val = zone_name[:-1]
print val
except Exception, e:
print("---- Record Add Failure ----")
print("---- Record Add Failure ----")
def main():
"""docstring for main"""
results = parse_bfile("./")
# tmp
ignore = set(['MX', 'TXT'])
for rec_type in (r for r in results if r not in ignore):
print("Processing %s records" % rec_type)
for record in results[rec_type]:
r = record.split('\t')
add_change(rec_type, r[0], [r[-1]], ttl=int(r[1]))
if 'MX' in results:
vals = [r.split('\t')[-2] + ' ' + r.split('\t')[-1] for r in results['MX']]
add_change(rec_type, r[0], [vals], ttl=3600)
if 'TXT' in results:
vals = [r.split('\t')[-1] for r in results['TXT']]
print "Adding: ", record
add_change(rec_type, r[0], vals, ttl=3600)
# changes = ResourceRecordSets(conn, zone_id)
# change = changes.add_change("CREATE", 'foo1.%s' % zone_name, "A", 60)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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jibs commented Sep 10, 2012

this is a insanely hacky quick script i needed to knock together once - route53 documentation was very sparse when i wrote this, and incase that hasnt changed - i hope this may be of some use..

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