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Created May 10, 2012 03:48
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Arch Linux Install
pacman -Syyu
# for nvidia xf86-video-nouveau, virtualbox: virtualbox-archlinux-additions
pacman -S dbus xorg-server xorg-server-utils alsa-utils mesa xf86-video-ati sudo acpi pm-utils cpufrequtils vbetool xfce4 xfce4-power-manager
# start dbus manually
# /etc/rc.d/dbus
# start dbus automatically
# add to rc.conf > DAEMONS=(..., dbus)
# Virtual box guest: `modprobe -a vboxvideo vboxguest vboxsf vboxnetflt` or in /etc/rc.conf `MODULES=(... vboxvideo ...)`
# Using virtual box: modules vboxdrv
# Hibernation info:
# add user groups: audio, lp, optical, storage, video, wheel, games, power, scanner
EDITOR=nano visudo
pacman -S gedit chromium firefox thunderbird p7zip file-roller ristretto git blender virtualbox virtualbox-additions netbeans apache php php-apache mysql php-intl php-sqlite python python2 glade octave vlc youtube-dl ffmpeg pidgin flashplugin gparted seahorse ntfs-3g meld gummi evince zeitgeist xournal go nodejs mongodb ttf-dejavu font-mathematica ttf-bitstream-vera transmission-gtk mono mod_mono monodevelop jre7-openjdk icedtea-web-java7 gvfs gvfs-smb thunar-archive-plugin xfce4-screenshooter xfce4-wavelan-plugin xfce4-taskmanager xfce4-power-manager xfce4-mpc-plugin xfce4-mount-plugin python2-docutils notify-sharp php-pear phpmyadmin php-mcrypt xorg-utils
# configure thunar share
sudo pear install
# install aurget
wget && tar -xvf ./aurget.tar.gz && cd aurget && makepkg -si
aurget -S --deps --noedit lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter gnome-do titanium-studio sublime-text retext qtoctave ttf-google-webfonts nodejs-npm xfce-theme-greybird faenza-icon-theme dockmanager docky xfwm4-tiling xfce4-volumed
# LAMP Config :
# Improve ext4 performance
# -
# -
# tune2fs -o journal_data_writeback /dev/sdXY
# noatime,data=writeback,nouser_xattr
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