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Created March 24, 2022 06:16
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Pivot an origin/destination/value tibble to calculate net values #rstatstips
# in hindsight i probably should've used a network analysis package to do this
# create a sample data frame of origins and destinations
testdf <-
origin = sample(letters, 10),
destination = sample(letters, 10),
value = runif(10, 1, 100)) %>%
origin = .$destination,
destination = .$origin,
value = runif(10, 1, 100))) %>%
#> # A tibble: 20 × 3
#> origin destination value
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 y v 87.1
#> 2 d n 34.7
#> 3 g j 48.7
#> 4 a g 60.4
#> 5 b i 49.9
#> 6 k o 19.4
#> 7 n e 82.9
#> 8 r z 67.2
#> 9 w y 79.6
#> 10 j t 11.7
#> 11 v y 72.6
#> 12 n d 41.7
#> 13 j g 82.3
#> 14 g a 65.1
#> 15 i b 78.5
#> 16 o k 55.8
#> 17 e n 53.4
#> 18 z r 79.1
#> 19 y w 3.31
#> 20 t j 48.2
testdf %>%
# now create the two country key
direction = if_else(origin < destination, "toA", "toB"),
pairkey = paste(pmin(origin, destination), pmax(origin, destination),
sep = "_")) %>%
# do the pivot!
id_cols = pairkey, names_from = "direction",
values_from = c(origin, destination, value),
values_fn = function(x) x[[1]]) %>%
# ditch the extra country columns
select(countryA = destination_toA, countryB = destination_toB, value_toA,
value_toB) %>%
# calculate net flow
netflow = abs(value_toB - value_toA),
net_destination = if_else(value_toB > value_toA, countryB, countryA))
#> # A tibble: 10 × 6
#> countryA countryB value_toA value_toB netflow net_destination
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 y v 72.6 87.1 14.5 v
#> 2 n d 34.7 41.7 7.02 d
#> 3 j g 48.7 82.3 33.5 g
#> 4 g a 60.4 65.1 4.70 a
#> 5 i b 49.9 78.5 28.6 b
#> 6 o k 19.4 55.8 36.3 k
#> 7 n e 53.4 82.9 29.5 e
#> 8 z r 67.2 79.1 12.0 r
#> 9 y w 79.6 3.31 76.3 y
#> 10 t j 11.7 48.2 36.6 j
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