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Created February 25, 2013 21:07
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copyBoard method for Meteor with problems.
// The callback should take a error object and a boardId.
copyBoard: function(options) {
options = options || {};
if (!(typeof options.boardId === "string" && options.boardId.length)) {
throw new Meteor.Error(400, "Required parameter missing");
if (!options.callback) {
throw new Meteor.Error(400, "Required parameter missing");
if (! this.userId)
throw new Meteor.Error(403, "You must be logged in");
// Create new board.
var currentBoard = Boards.findOne({ _id: options.boardId });
// Drop the id from the board and insert that as the new board.
delete currentBoard["_id"];
console.log("Inserting board:", currentBoard);
function(error, newBoardId) {
if (!error) {
console.log("Inserted id:", newBoardId);
var allBoards = Boards.find().fetch();
// Creates duplicates of the records, giving them have different _ids, then makes
// changes specified in the recordTransformer function to them.
function duplicateRecords(recordArray, collection, recordTransformer) {
// Scrub the _ids out of the records.
var idLessRecords =, function(record) {
if ("_id" in record) {
delete record["_id"];
return recordTransformer(record);
var userId = this.userId;
function updateBoardAndOwnerInRecord(record) {
record.board = newBoardId;
record.owner = userId;
return record;
// Copy associated items and boxes.
duplicateRecords(Items.find({ board: options.boardId }).fetch(), Items,
duplicateRecords(Boxes.find({ board: options.boardId }).fetch(), Boxes,
options.callback(error, newBoardId);
else {
options.callback(error, null);
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jimkang commented Feb 26, 2013

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