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Jim Pick jimpick

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Fireproof + AT Proto Labeler mashup project

I'm doing some small investigations to see if I can find some fun "mashup" opportunities for demos that mix Fireproof and AT Proto (the protocol for Bluesky) together.

Bluesky has the concept of "bring your own algorithm". An obvious project to work on would be a feed generator.

But another interesting opportunity is providing some tools for building labelers, which can be used to moderate accounts and content.

This is really cool ... I built my modified libraries and published them to npm under my @jimpick namespace. I also published my MCP app. So now I can just do this in ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json:

  "mcpServers": {
    "json-doc-server": {
      "command": "npx",
      "args": [
jimpick / node.log
Created October 26, 2022 19:29
wallabynet node.log
2022-10-26T19:26:44.166Z INFO main lotus/daemon.go:218 lotus repo: /home/ubuntu/.lotus
2022-10-26T19:26:44.167Z INFO repo repo/fsrepo.go:265 Initializing repo at '/home/ubuntu/.lotus'
2022-10-26T19:26:44.169Z INFO paramfetch [email protected]/paramfetch.go:209 Parameter file /var/tmp/filecoin-proof-parameters/v28-empty-sector-update-merkletree-poseidon_hasher-8-8-2-102e1444a7e9a97ebf1e3d6855dcc77e66c011ea66f936d9b2c508f87f2f83a7.vk is ok
2022-10-26T19:26:44.172Z INFO paramfetch [email protected]/paramfetch.go:209 Parameter file /var/tmp/filecoin-proof-parameters/v28-proof-of-spacetime-fallback-merkletree-poseidon_hasher-8-8-2-2627e4006b67f99cef990c0a47d5426cb7ab0a0ad58fc1061547bf2d28b09def.vk is ok
2022-10-26T19:26:44.174Z INFO paramfetch [email protected]/paramfetch.go:209 Parameter file /var/tmp/filecoin-proof-parameters/v28-proof-of-spacetime-fallback-merkletree-poseidon_hasher-8-0-0-50c7368dea9593ed0989e70974d28024efa9d156d585b7eea1be22b2e753f331.vk is ok
2022-10-26T19:26:44.175Z INFO paramfetch
jimpick /
Last active August 16, 2022 20:42
jimpick / create_tables.sql
Last active March 17, 2022 18:55
SQL queries for Provider Power by Quarter
CREATE TABLE synthetic_regions (
provider VARCHAR(255),
region VARCHAR(255),
"numRegions" INTEGER,
delegate VARCHAR(255));
jimpick /
Last active October 31, 2020 16:17
"base256unismush" is an experimental multibase encoding

"unismush" multibase demo

$ npx -q @jimpick/cid-tool format -b base256unismush -v 1 bafybeifrtkrxkf3ildbhqojpr52nrk7i3s3we6qwtvw4vmkrycbzr6cki4
$ npx -q @jimpick/cid-tool base32 iJ˲ĨľꞌзӀ˹ĭˡˆᴳ˼Ȋƚῑ˸ᵋꞁᵝᵏɿˑ˾Ĭі˯ᴻꞌʿᴱϳЈᵻʶʳ

When using a proportional font, the "unismushed" CID is half the size visually.

jimpick / output.txt
Created August 4, 2020 23:01
lotus state list-messages via JSON-RPC
Node: 0 - lotus state list-messages --from t3vqk4yuqqsuzksgkprhwbjjmthm3qos7jrpzqvzurlaggui5wngq6bdlq34tbcolixihgnggoz4ynwqx53phq --toheight 400
Jim request {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"Filecoin.StateListMessages","params":[{"Version":0,"To":"\u003cempty\u003e","From":"t3vqk4yuqqsuzksgkprhwbjjmthm3qos7jrpzqvzurlaggui5wngq6bdlq34tbcolixihgnggoz4ynwqx53phq","Nonce":0,"Value":"0","GasPrice":"0","GasLimit":0,"Method":0,"Params":null},[],400],"meta":{"SpanContext":"AABj1sMAYGXMSHIOhuEKHW7iAbkYb9otFkATAgA="}}
Jim request {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":2,"method":"Filecoin.ChainGetMessage","params":[{"/":"bafy2bzacebqqnwlhsqv6vpfakiqogli4i5xp2npqdk3ofmofadupifwglpvt4"}],"meta":{"SpanContext":"AABj1sMAYGXMSHIOhuEKHW7iAcxlrIYSbkV3AgA="}}
"Version": 0,
"To": "t01000",
"From": "t3vqk4yuqqsuzksgkprhwbjjmthm3qos7jrpzqvzurlaggui5wngq6bdlq34tbcolixihgnggoz4ynwqx53phq",
"Nonce": 10,
"Value": "1000",
"GasPrice": "2",
jimpick /
Created July 29, 2020 18:15
Fixing your mpool
lotus mpool find --from `lotus wallet list` | jq '.[0]'
# Replace message at head of mpool with one with more gas ('6' below is the nonce)
lotus mpool replace --gas-price=10 --gas-limit=5000000 `lotus wallet list` 6
$ ./lotus client local
1: <nil> @ (import-local)
2: <nil> @ (import-local)
3: <nil> @ (import-local)
4: <nil> @ (import-local)
5: <nil> @ (import-local)
$ ./lotus client find bafk2bzaceb6xyvk56gshw4mc6oagwv55nxtpmurp37jy3fiujz7x2nowl22mu
jimpick / bench-32GiB.txt
Last active June 24, 2020 06:31
r5ad.12xlarge Lotus bench
results (v27) (34359738368)
seal: addPiece: 14m41.818531886s (37.16 MiB/s)
seal: preCommit phase 1: 6h48m30.415614303s (1.337 MiB/s)
seal: preCommit phase 2: 2h17m57.560038223s (3.959 MiB/s)
seal: commit phase 1: 1.329057615s (24.08 GiB/s)
seal: commit phase 2: 2h41m52.077085682s (3.374 MiB/s)
seal: verify: 59.39253ms
unseal: 6h27m23.111067179s (1.41 MiB/s)
generate candidates: 2.469789ms (12.65 TiB/s)