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Created August 1, 2016 22:09
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LaTeX commands && definitions
% Definitions for the journal names
\newcommand{\adv}{{\it Adv. Space Res.}}
\newcommand{\ag}{{\it Ann. Geophys.}}
\newcommand{\annG}{{\it Ann. Geophys.}}
\newcommand{\arxiv}{{\it ArXiv e-prints}}
\newcommand{\aap}{{\it Astron. Astrophys.}}
%\newcommand{\aaps}{{\it Astron. Astrophys. Suppl.}}
%\newcommand{\aapr}{{\it Astron. Astrophys. Rev.}}
%\newcommand{\aj}{{\it Astronom. J.}}
%\newcommand{\an}{{\it Astronomische Nachrichten}}
\newcommand{\apj}{{\it Astrophys. J.}}
%\newcommand{\apjl}{{\it Astrophys. J. Lett.}}
%\newcommand{\apjs}{{\it Astrophys. J. Supp. Series}}
%\newcommand{\apss}{{\it Astrophys. Space Sci.}}
%\newcommand{\ajp}{{\it Australian J. Phys.}}
%\newcommand{\cjaa}{{\it Chinese J. Astron. Astrophys.}}
%\newcommand{\cnls}{{\it Com. Nonlinear Sci. Numerical Simulations}}
%\newcommand{\gafd}{{\it Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn.}}
\newcommand{\grl}{{\it Geophys. Res. Lett.}}
%\newcommand{\ijga}{{\it Int. J. Geomag. Aeron.}}
%\newcommand{\jastp}{{\it J. Atmos. Solar Terr. Phys.}}
\newcommand{\jgr}{{\it J. Geophys. Res.}}
%\newcommand{\jkas}{{\it J. Korean Astr. Soc.} }
%\newcommand{\jsw}{{\it J. Space Weather Space Climate}}
\newcommand{\livingR}{{\it Living Rev. Solar Phys.}}
%\newcommand{\mnras}{{\it Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.}}
\newcommand{\nat}{{\it Nature}}
%\newcommand{\natc}{{\it Nature Com.}}
%\newcommand{\natp}{{\it Nature Phys.}}
%\newcommand{\pasp}{{\it Pub. Astron. Soc. Pac.}}
\newcommand{\php}{{\it Phys. Plasmas}}
%\newcommand{\ppcf}{{\it Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion}}
%\newcommand{\planss}{{\it Planet. Space Sci.}}
%\newcommand{\pasj}{{\it Pub. Astron. Soc. Japan}}
%\newcommand{\pre}{{\it Phys. Rev. E}}
\newcommand{\prl}{{\it Phys. Rev. Lett.}}
%\newcommand{\rmp}{{\it Rev. Modern Phys.}}
%\newcommand{\rsl}{{\it Royal Soc. London Phil. Trans. Ser. A}}
%\newcommand{\sw}{{\it Space Weather}}
\newcommand{\solphys}{{\it Solar Phys.}}
%\newcommand{\sovast}{{\it Sov. Astronom.}}
\newcommand{\science}{{\it Science}}
\newcommand{\ssr}{{\it Space Sci. Rev.}}
% mathematics
\newcommand{\rmd}{ {\mathrm d} }
\renewcommand{\vec}[1]{{\bf #1}}
\newcommand{\uvec}[1]{ \hat{\bf #1} }
\newcommand{\pder}[2]{ \f{\partial #1}{\partial #2} }
\newcommand{\grad}{ {\bf \nabla } }
\newcommand{\curl}{ {\bf \nabla} \times}\newcommand{\pardiff}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}
% text
\newcommand{\eg}{\textit{{\it e.g.},}}
\newcommand{\etal}{\textit{et al.}}
\newcommand{\insitu}{in situ}
\newcommand{\jmc}[1]{{\color{red}{(JM: #1)}}} % comment
\newcommand{\jm}[1]{{\color{blue}{#1}}} % jim
\newcommand{\jmi}[1]{{\color{Bittersweet}{JJ: #1}}} % internal notes
\newcommand{\jmr}[1]{{\color{yellow}{#1}}} % remove
\newcommand{\idea}[1]{\S\ {\bf #1}\\} % ideas of paragraphs
\def \nGCR {$n_{GCR}$} % GCRs
\def \np {$n_{p}$} % proton density
\def \tauFD {$\tau_{FD}$} % FD recovery time
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