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Created May 6, 2023 16:54
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
document.onclick = () => {
const synth = new Tone.PolySynth(Tone.FMSynth).toDestination();
const Engine = Matter.Engine,
Render = Matter.Render,
Runner = Matter.Runner,
Bodies = Matter.Bodies,
Composite = Matter.Composite,
Events = Matter.Events;
const engine = Engine.create();
const render = Render.create({
element: document.body,
engine: engine,
options: {
width: 800,
height: 600,
wireframes: false,
const drops = [];
const pins = [];
const sounds = new WeakMap();
const dropClasses = [
position: [160, 0],
radius: 30,
options: {
density: 0.05,
restitution: 0.8,
friction: 0.1,
render: { fillStyle: "#a66" },
tone: {
note: "C3",
duration: "2n",
timing: 1,
position: [250, 0],
radius: 20,
options: {
restitution: 0.8,
render: { fillStyle: "#6a6" },
tone: {
note: "G4",
duration: "16n",
timing: 2,
position: [520, 0],
radius: 20,
options: {
restitution: 0.4,
render: { fillStyle: "#66a" },
tone: {
note: "D5",
duration: "16n",
timing: 2,
position: [650, 0],
radius: 10,
options: {
restitution: 0.8,
render: { fillStyle: "#6aa" },
tone: {
note: "Bb5",
duration: "8n",
timing: 1,
const pinClasses = [
position: [200, 500],
radius: 100,
options: {
render: { fillStyle: "#666" },
isStatic: true,
restitution: 0.6,
tone: null,
position: [500, 300],
radius: 80,
options: {
render: { fillStyle: "#666" },
isStatic: true,
restitution: 0.6,
tone: {
note: "E5",
duration: "16n",
Events.on(engine, "collisionStart", function (event) {
// console.log("collisionStart", event, event.pairs[0]);
const pairs = event.pairs;
for (let i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
const pair = pairs[i];
for (const body of [pair.bodyA, pair.bodyB]) {
const sound = sounds.get(body);
if (sound) {
synth.triggerAttackRelease(sound.note, sound.duration);
// pair.bodyA.render.fillStyle = "#999";
// pair.bodyB.render.fillStyle = "#999";
Events.on(engine, "collisionEnd", function (event) {
// console.log("collisionEnd", event);
const pairs = event.pairs;
for (let i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
const pair = pairs[i];
// pair.bodyA.render.fillStyle = "#666";
// pair.bodyB.render.fillStyle = "#666";
for (const c of pinClasses) {
const pin =, c.radius, c.options);
if (c.tone) {
sounds.set(pin, c.tone);
let count = 0;
setInterval(() => {
if (document.hidden) {
for (const c of dropClasses) {
if ((count % 16) % (16 / c.tone.timing) === 0) {
const drop =, c.radius, c.options);
sounds.set(drop, c.tone);
Composite.add(, drop);
}, 2000 / 16);
setInterval(() => {
if (document.hidden) {
const time = 2000;
Matter.Body.setPosition(pins[1], {
x: 600 + 100 * Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * (( % time) / time)),
y: 400,
}, 10);
Composite.add(, [...pins]);;
const runner = Runner.create();, engine);
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