make sure your jdk package are ready to upload.
Upload the files inside the archive to your private repository on Cloudbees forge (like, /private/abc/ ) so that you have */private/abc/<your_zipped_jdk>,...
On the Jenkins configuration page ([https://YourAccountName.ci.cloudbees.com/configure](https://.ci.cloudbees.com/configure) (use your real account name / subdomain) create a new JDK Installation and set JAVA_HOME to
(or any other version you want to use). -
Add a Pre Step and add the following shell script. First, it copies the JDK version you are using to the /tmp folder. Be sure to use your real account name / subdomain.
unzip /private/abc/<your_zipped_jdk> -d /tmp/<your_jdk>
[1] http://wiki.cloudbees.com/bin/view/DEV/Custom+Build+Tools