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Created February 26, 2017 10:26
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Time ago/ahead in Swift
import Foundation
struct DateComponentUnitFormatter {
private struct DateComponentUnitFormat {
let unit: Calendar.Component
let singularUnit: String
let pluralUnit: String
let futureSingular: String
let pastSingular: String
private let formats: [DateComponentUnitFormat] = [
DateComponentUnitFormat(unit: .year,
singularUnit: "year",
pluralUnit: "years",
futureSingular: "Next year",
pastSingular: "Last year"),
DateComponentUnitFormat(unit: .month,
singularUnit: "month",
pluralUnit: "months",
futureSingular: "Next month",
pastSingular: "Last month"),
DateComponentUnitFormat(unit: .weekOfYear,
singularUnit: "week",
pluralUnit: "weeks",
futureSingular: "Next week",
pastSingular: "Last week"),
DateComponentUnitFormat(unit: .day,
singularUnit: "day",
pluralUnit: "days",
futureSingular: "Tomorrow",
pastSingular: "Yesterday"),
DateComponentUnitFormat(unit: .hour,
singularUnit: "hour",
pluralUnit: "hours",
futureSingular: "In an hour",
pastSingular: "An hour ago"),
DateComponentUnitFormat(unit: .minute,
singularUnit: "minute",
pluralUnit: "minutes",
futureSingular: "In a minute",
pastSingular: "A minute ago"),
DateComponentUnitFormat(unit: .second,
singularUnit: "second",
pluralUnit: "seconds",
futureSingular: "Just now",
pastSingular: "Just now"),
func string(forDateComponents dateComponents: DateComponents, useNumericDates: Bool) -> String {
for format in self.formats {
let unitValue: Int
switch format.unit {
case .year:
unitValue = dateComponents.year ?? 0
case .month:
unitValue = dateComponents.month ?? 0
case .weekOfYear:
unitValue = dateComponents.weekOfYear ?? 0
case .day:
unitValue = ?? 0
case .hour:
unitValue = dateComponents.hour ?? 0
case .minute:
unitValue = dateComponents.minute ?? 0
case .second:
unitValue = dateComponents.second ?? 0
assertionFailure("Date does not have requried components")
return ""
switch unitValue {
case 2 ..< Int.max:
return "\(unitValue) \(format.pluralUnit) ago"
case 1:
return useNumericDates ? "\(unitValue) \(format.singularUnit) ago" : format.pastSingular
case -1:
return useNumericDates ? "In \(-unitValue) \(format.singularUnit)" : format.futureSingular
case Int.min ..< -1:
return "In \(-unitValue) \(format.pluralUnit)"
return "Just now"
extension Date {
func timeAgoSinceNow(useNumericDates: Bool = false) -> String {
let calendar = Calendar.current
let unitFlags: Set<Calendar.Component> = [.minute, .hour, .day, .weekOfYear, .month, .year, .second]
let now = Date()
let components = calendar.dateComponents(unitFlags, from: self, to: now)
let formatter = DateComponentUnitFormatter()
return formatter.string(forDateComponents: components, useNumericDates: useNumericDates)
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you just saved me an hour thanks

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ckalbas commented Jun 28, 2017


I've made some changes to conform to my project's needs, referencing your work. Check it out:

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Great job, thanks!

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Thanks!!!! Awesome job!

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I want to get the new string according to the currentTimeZone?
For example : My date is 2019-08-20 21:50:00 UTC
I am in IST
I get "Tomorrow"
But i need to get it according to IST which should be day after tomorrow

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Sounds like your date might be deserializing incorrectly? If you convert it to a string using DateFormatter, is it in the correct time zone?

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Sounds like your date might be deserializing incorrectly? If you convert it to a string using DateFormatter, is it in the correct time zone?

No, my serailizing is fine. But the relative time that is being returned is according to UTC which is not my timezone

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That doesn't make sense. There's no presumption of time zone in this code and Date is time zone independent ("A specific point in time, independent of any calendar or time zone." - Apple Docs).

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