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Created October 3, 2011 16:39
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用python 模拟浏览器行为
import sys, time, os
from mechanize import Browser
USERNAME = 'DavidMertz'
PASSWORD = 'TheSpanishInquisition'
FIXED_QUERY = 'food=spam&' 'utensil=spork&' 'date=the_future&'
VARIABLE_QUERY = ['actor=%s' % actor for actor in
('Graham Chapman',
'John Cleese',
'Terry Gilliam',
'Eric Idle',
'Terry Jones',
'Michael Palin')]
def fetch():
result_no = 0 # Number the output files
br = Browser() # Create a browser # Open the login page
br.select_form(name="login") # Find the login form
br['username'] = USERNAME # Set the form values
br['password'] = PASSWORD
resp = br.submit() # Submit the form
# Automatic redirect sometimes fails, follow manually when needed
if 'Redirecting' in br.title():
resp = br.follow_link(text_regex='click here')
# Loop through the searches, keeping fixed query parameters
for actor in in VARIABLE_QUERY:
# I like to watch what's happening in the console
print >> sys.stderr, '***', actor
# Lets do the actual query now + FIXED_QUERY + actor)
# The query actually gives us links to the content pages we like,
# but there are some other links on the page that we ignore
nice_links = [l for l in br.links()
if 'good_path' in l.url
and 'credential' in l.url]
if not nice_links: # Maybe the relevant results are empty
for link in nice_links:
response = br.follow_link(link)
# More console reporting on title of followed link page
print >> sys.stderr, br.title()
# Increment output filenames, open and write the file
result_no += 1
out = open(result_%04d' % result_no, 'w')
print >> out,
# Nothing ever goes perfectly, ignore if we do not get page
except mechanize._response.httperror_seek_wrapper:
print >> sys.stderr, "Response error (probably 404)"
# Let's not hammer the site too much between fetches
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