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Last active March 20, 2017 18:45
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* Created By : Prasenjit CHowdhury
* Description : Creating a single interface for acting with the redis no need of third party code single wntry for redis monitories and data management
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Resque;
use Resque_Job_Status;
use Resque_Worker;
use Resque_Stat;
class ResqueConsole extends Command
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
private $resquePath;
private $laravelPath;
private $logPath;
private $error = array();
private $errorMessage;
private $user;
private $redisHost;
private $redisPort;
protected $signature = 'resque {action}
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'handle all resque related request from this single console';
* Create a new command instance.
* @return void
public function __construct()
$path = app_path();
if($path != ''){
$pathArray = explode($ds,$path);
$pathArray = implode($ds,$pathArray);
$this->laravelPath = $pathArray.$ds.'app'.$ds.'Lib'.$ds.'ResqueJobRiver.php';
//$this->resquePath = $pathArray.$ds.'vendor'.$ds.'chrisboulton'.$ds.'php-resque'.$ds.'resque.php';
$this->resquePath = $pathArray.$ds.'app'.$ds.'Lib'.$ds.'resqueinit.php';
$this->logPath = $pathArray.$ds.'storage'.$ds.'logs'.$ds.'resque.log';
$this->redisHost = env('REDIS_HOST','localhost');
$this->redisPort = env('REDIS_PORT', 6379);
$this->redisDb= env('REDIS_DB', 2);
$this->redisPassword = env('REDIS_PASSWORD',null);
if(is_null($this->redisPort) || is_null($this->redisHost)){
$this->error[] = "Redis config missing";
$this->error[] = "Resque folder chrisboulton".$ds."php-resque".$ds."resque.php missing please update the composer to add resque part";
$fh = fopen($this->logPath,'w');
chmod($this->logPath, 0777);
$this->user = get_current_user();
* Execute the console command.
* @return mixed
public function handle()
* Check for any errors of directory structure if present
* move forward else throw error
if(count($this->error) > 0){
$error = '';
foreach ($this->error as $key => $value) {
$error .= $key." $value";
$arguments = $this->argument();
$action = $arguments['action'];
$queue = $arguments['-queue'];
$noOfworkers = $arguments['-n'];
$interval = $arguments['-interval'];
$this->error("Action Allowed are start / stop / restart");
echo "setting no password1 resconsole";
if($this->redisPassword == '' || is_null($this->redisPassword)){
echo "setting no password2 resconsole";
echo "setting password resconsole";
//land on the required action fields
// queue = queuename
// number = numberofworkers
// interval = intervaltime
public function start($queue,$workersNumber,$interval){
$this->info(" Forking new PHP Resque worker service ( queue: {$queue} no of workers {$workersNumber} interval time {$interval})" );
//$cmd = 'nohup sudo -u '.$this->user.' bash -c "cd ' .' php ./resque.php';
$cmd = "nohup sudo -u $this->user QUEUE=$queue COUNT=$workersNumber REDIS_BACKEND=$this->redisHost:$this->redisPort REDIS_DB=$this->redisDb ";
$cmd .= "REDIS_PASSWORD=$this->redisPassword ";
$cmd .= "VVERBOSE=true APP_INCLUDE=$this->laravelPath INTERVAL=$interval php $this->resquePath";
$cmd .= ' >> '.$this->logPath;
//$cmd.= ' > /dev/null 2>&1 &';
* Convenience functions.
public function tail($queue,$workersNumber,$interval){
//$log_path = $this->logPath;
if (file_exists($this->logPath))
passthru('sudo tail -f ' . escapeshellarg($this->logPath));
$this->out('Log file does not exist. Is the service running?');
* Kill all php resque worker services.
public function stop($queue,$workersNumber=NULL,$interval=NULL){
$queue = str_replace("'", "", $queue);
$forced = false;
$this->info('Shutting down Resque Worker complete');
$workers = Resque_Worker::all();
if (empty($workers))
$this->error(' There were no active workers to kill ...');
$count = 0;
foreach($workers as $w)
$w->shutDown(); // Send signal to stop processing jobs
// Remove jobs from resque environment
//list($hostname, $pid, $queue) = explode(':', (string)$w);
$dumps = explode(':', (string)$w);
if($dumps[2] == $queue){
$this->error('Killing ' . $dumps[1]);
exec('kill -9 '.$dumps[1]);
} // Kill all remaining system process
$this->info('Killed '.$count.' workers ...');
public function stats($queue,$workersNumber,$interval)
$this->info('<info>PHPResque Statistics</info>');
$this->info('<info>Jobs Stats</info>');
$this->info(" Processed Jobs : " . Resque_Stat::get('processed'));
$this->info(" <warning>Failed Jobs : " . Resque_Stat::get('failed') . "</warning>");
$this->info('<info>Workers Stats</info>');
$workers = Resque_Worker::all();
$this->info(" Active Workers : " . count($workers));
if (!empty($workers))
foreach($workers as $worker)
$this->info("\tWorker : " . $worker);
$this->info("\t - Started on : " . Resque::Redis()->get('worker:' . $worker . ':started'));
$this->info("\t - Processed Jobs : " . $worker->getStat('processed'));
$worker->getStat('failed') == 0
? $this->info("\t - Failed Jobs : " . $worker->getStat('failed'))
: $this->info("\t - <warning>Failed Jobs : " . $worker->getStat('failed') . "</warning>");
* Restart all workers
public function restart()
if (false !== $workers = $this->__getWorkers())
foreach($workers as $worker)
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