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Created May 16, 2018 12:53
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#! /usr/bin/env python
Removes files uploaded to Slack
virtualenv slack
source slack/bin/activate
pip install requests
import requests
import time
import json
import datetime
from collections import OrderedDict
# Obtain here:
TOKEN = ''
# Params for file listing. More info here:
# How many? (Maximum is 1000, otherwise it defaults to 100)
COUNT = 1000
# Types?
TYPES = 'all'
# TYPES = 'spaces,snippets,images,gdocs,zips,pdfs'
# TYPES = 'zips'
def greater_kb(file, kb):
""" File is greater than KB
:param file (dict): file to be compared
:param kb (int): size in kb
:return files(bool): returns True if the file size is greater than kb
return file['size'] / 1024 > kb
def smaller_kb(file, kb):
""" File is smaller than KB
:param file (dict): file to be compared
:param kb (int): size in kb
:return files(bool): returns True if the file size is less than kb
return file['size'] / 1024 < kb
def filter_by_size(files, greater_or_smaller, kb):
""" Filter files by size
:param files (list): list of files to be filtered
:param greater_or_smaller (func): comparison function
:param kb (int): size in kb to filter files by
:return files(list): filtered files list (dict)
return [file for file in files if greater_or_smaller(file, kb)]
def metadata(file):
""" Generate metadata for file
:param file (dict): file to generate metadata for
:return metadata(OrderedDict)
order = ['Title', 'Name', 'Created', 'Size', 'Filetype',
'Comment', 'Permalink', 'Download', 'User', 'Channels']
metadata = {
'Title': file['title'],
'Name': file['name'],
'Created': datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(file['created']).strftime('%B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S'),
'Size': str(file['size'] / 1024) + ' KB',
'Filetype': file['filetype'],
'Comment': file['initial_comment'] if 'initial_comment' in file else '',
'Permalink': file['permalink'],
'Download': file['url_private'],
'User': file['user'],
'Channels': file['channels']
return OrderedDict((key, metadata[key]) for key in order)
def list_files(days=30, user=''):
""" List files
:param days (int): list files older than the days specified
:param user (str): filter files by user id
:return files(list): list of matching files (dict)
ts_to = int(time.time()) - days * 24 * 60 * 60
params = {
'token': TOKEN,
'ts_to': ts_to,
'count': COUNT,
'types': TYPES,
'user': user,
url = ''
response = requests.get(url, params=params)
return response.json()['files']
def delete_files(files):
""" Delete files
:param files (list): list of files to be deleted
:return none
num_files = len(files)
file_ids = map(lambda f: f['id'], files)
url = ''
print("Deleting %i files" % (num_files))
for index, file_id in enumerate(file_ids):
params = {
'token': TOKEN,
'file': file_id
response = requests.get(url, params=params)
content = response.json()
print((index + 1, "of", num_files, "-",
file_id, content['ok']))
def print_files(files):
""" Print files
:param files (list): list of files to be printed
:return none
for file in files:
print("[%s] %s [%s]" % (file['Created'], file['Title'], file['Size']))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Set it to delete only this user's files. Handy if you are not admin.
member_id = ''
# days = 30
# print("Retrieving files older than %s days" % (days))
# files = list_files(days=days, user=member_id)
# print("Total %i files" % (len(files)))
# print_files([metadata(file) for file in files])
days = 90
size = 500
print("Retrieving files older than %s day(s) and greater than %s KB" % (days, size))
files = list_files(days=days, user=member_id)
files = filter_by_size(files, greater_kb, size)
print("Total %i files" % (len(files)))
print_files([metadata(file) for file in files])
#delete_files(files) # Commented out, so you don't accidentally run this.
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