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Created January 14, 2014 07:36
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OCaml AVL tree
module AVL = struct
type height = int
type int = height
module Elt = Int32
type t = Leaf | Node of t * Elt.t * t * height
exception Impossible
let height = function
| Leaf -> 0
| Node (_, _, _, h) -> h
let empty = Leaf
let mknode tl y tr = Node (tl, y, tr, 1 + max (height tl) (height tr))
let rec contains x = function
| Leaf -> false
| Node (tl, y, tr, _) ->
match x y with
| 0 -> true
| res when res < 0 (* x < y *) -> contains x tl
| _ (* x > y *) -> contains x tr
let rotr = function
| Node (Node (t1, y2, t3, _), y4, t5, _) ->
mknode t1 y2 (mknode t3 y4 t5)
| _ -> raise Impossible
let rotl = function
| Node (t1, y2, Node (t3, y4, t5, _), _) ->
mknode (mknode t1 y2 t3) y4 t5
| _ -> raise Impossible
let rec insert x = function
| Leaf -> Node (Leaf, x, Leaf, 1)
| (Node (tl, y, tr, _)) as node ->
match x y with
| 0 -> node
| res when res < 0 (* x < y *) ->
begin match insert x tl with
| Leaf -> raise Impossible
| (Node (tll, yl, tlr, hl)) as tl ->
if hl - height tr <= 1 then
mknode tl y tr
let tl = if height tll < height tlr
then rotl tl
else tl
rotr (mknode tl y tr)
| _ (* x > y *) ->
begin match insert x tr with
| Leaf -> raise Impossible
| (Node (trl, yr, trr, hr)) as tr ->
if hr - height tl <= 1 then
mknode tl y tr
let tr = if height trl > height trr
then rotr tr
else tr
rotl (mknode tl y tr)
let rec inorder = function
| Leaf -> []
| Node (tl, y, tr, _) -> inorder tl @ y :: inorder tr
let rec check_balanced = function
| Leaf -> ()
| Node (tl, _, tr, h) ->
assert (h = 1 + max (height tl) (height tr));
check_balanced tl;
check_balanced tr
let check_search_tree =
let assert_lt = function
| Some x, Some y -> assert ( x y < 0);
| _, _ -> ()
let rec f bl br = function
| Leaf -> assert_lt (bl, br) (* probably redundant *)
| Node (tl, y, tr, _) -> assert_lt (bl, Some y);
assert_lt (Some y, br);
f bl (Some y) tl;
f (Some y) br tr
f None None
let rec random_list elt_size list_hazard =
if Random.float 1.0 > list_hazard
then []
else Random.int32 (Int32.of_int elt_size) :: random_list elt_size list_hazard
let nodup l =
let hash = Hashtbl.create (List.length l) in
List.filter (fun x ->
if Hashtbl.mem hash x
then false
else (Hashtbl.add hash x (); true)) l
let rec print_list = function
| [] -> print_endline "nil"
| h :: t -> Printf.printf "%ld :: " h;
print_list t
let () =
Random.init 1;
for i = 1 to max_int do
if i mod 1000 = 0 then Printf.printf "%10d\n%!" i;
let l = random_list 30 0.99 in
let t = List.fold_left (fun t x -> AVL.insert x t) AVL.empty l in
assert (AVL.inorder t = List.sort compare (nodup l));
AVL.check_search_tree t;
AVL.check_balanced t;
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