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Last active March 11, 2016 19:05
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Prime number generator with lazy evaluation in Erlang: See
%%% Prime number sieve code with lazy evaluation by Joe Armstrong
%%% (very slightly modified for syntax check)
-export([from/1,filter/2,sift/2,sieve/1,primes/0, first/1]).
%% This generates a lazy sequence starting from K.
%% from(K) ->
%% fun() ->
%% [K| from(K+1)]
%% end.
from(K) -> [K|fun()->from(K+1)end].
%% This applies the Pred to each element of the list and returns a list
%% containing those elements which satisfies Pred.
filter(_,[]) -> [];
filter(Pred,[H|Tl]) ->
case Pred(H) of
true ->
[H|fun() -> filter(Pred,Tl()) end];
false ->
%% This function simply calls filter/2.
sift(P,L) -> filter(fun(N) -> N rem P /= 0 end,L).
%% This generates a lazy list after removing all the multiples of H.
sieve([H|Tl]) ->
[H|fun() -> sieve(sift(H,Tl())) end].
%% This generates the list of prime numbers.
primes() -> sieve(from(2)).
first(N) -> first(N, primes()).
first(0, _) -> true;
first(N, [X|P]) ->
P1 = P(),
first(N-1, P1).
%%% Prime number generator in Guarded Horn Clauses
%%% Source:
%%% Kazunori Ueda, "Guarded Horn Clauses", Section 4.6.2 "Generating Primes", p. 66,
%%% PhD Thesis at the University of Tokyo, 1986,
primes(Max,Ps) :- true | gen(2,Max,Ns), sift(Ns,Ps).
gen(N,Max,Ns) :- N=<Max | Ns=[N|Ns1], N1:=N+1, gen(N1,Max,Ns1).
gen(N,Max,Ns) :- N> Max | Ns=[].
sift([P|Xs],Zs) :- true | Zs=[P|Zs1], filter(P,Xs,Ys), sift(Ys,Zs1).
sift([], Zs) :- true | Zs=[].
filter(P,[X|Xs],Ys) :- X mod P=:=0 | filter(P,Xs,Ys).
filter(P,[X|Xs],Ys) :- X mod P=\=0 | Ys=[X|Ys1], filter(P,Xs,Ys1).
filter(P,[], Ys) :- true | Ys=[].
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jj1bdx commented Feb 16, 2014

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